It’s almost the end of April and unfortunately it looks like I won’t be able to do my self-mandated monthly album review. But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t listening to albums. Just none that I deemed worthy of the long track-by-track patented nappyafro review form. Here are some (quick) words on three projects I recently checked out.
It’s weird that didn’t write or post anything about Solange‘s latest album When I Get Home (Props to Short-T). And I say weird because I liked it way more than anticipated. Other than maybe a track or interludes, I think I basically kept the whole album in my iTunes. Especially “Almeda”; a track so dope it was added to The Official nappyafro Playlist. Good job Solange.
At this point I’ve written about Griselda enough to say I’m a fan. Add me talking about Conway‘s Everybody Is F.O.O.D. 3 to that list. As bad as it is to admit, sometimes I just want to hear about ignorant shit like shootings and drug dealing. The thing is, I also want it to be well crafted. That’s what I get from stuff like Everybody Is F.O.O.D. 3. It kinda gives me that same feeling as Only Built 4 Cuban Linx… or early 50 Cent (Especially on songs like “224 May Block”). Yeah, I said it.
I was gonna include West Gunn’s Fourth Rope in this post but it’s basically a compilation that gathers all of his wrestling related songs. That shit feels like it’s made for me but it’s previously released stuff I mostly already have.
This is gonna be real quick, cause I think Phonte is probably the most unrated rapper of all time and Drake should always acknowledged that a large part of his style came from the North Carolina rapper. That being said, Phonte recently dropped a surprise EP in the form of Pacific Time. It’s okay. It’s mostly R&B. Grown R&B. It’s not bad. I just want him to rap. A lot. Only. For one project. That’s all. Charity Starts At Home is still great though.