88-Keys – The Death Of Adam [Review]

The biggest thing that distinguishes rapper/sanger/producer 88-Keys is his willingness to experiment with different genres of music. To tell the truth, at first I thought this would be a very strange review to do on nappyafro given 88-Keys’ lack of a friendly label (Hip-Hop, Rap, soul, R&B…). But 88 has produced for Mos Def, Consequence, Talib Kweli and The Pharcyde. He also has features from Kanye, Kid Cudi, Phonte, and Redman. He fits the genre folks, don’t dismiss him from the get-go. That was never the primary concern for me though. I’ve never been a fan of concept songs: “I Gave You Power”, “Gotta Eat”, “A Friendly Game Of Baseball”…and less supportive of concept albums: The Cool, ATLiens, Deltron 3030. For those that have given this album a listen, and didn’t really have a clue what they were listening to, here’s a brief summary of the storyline: Adam (the main character), is your typical guy searching for sex anywhere he can find it. Adam meets a dime, dates her, and is shot down when he tries to take it to the next level (I can identify there, I won’t front). Then Adam moves from the ex-girl to the next girl, who he finds in a nightclub apparently. This is where it got confusing. They have sex, but Adam can’t please her, but they stay together still until Adam’s life comes to an end… The Death Of Adam. Sounds a little lame to me too, but let’s give it a spin.

1. Morning Wood
Produced by 88-Keys
Ehh. I can’t recommend listening to this track. Just all-around lame. And not in a late 70’s start of Hip-hop sense either. Lame as in you’re trying way too hard and it shows.

2. Nice Guys Finish Last
Produced by 88-Keys
Much better. I was really feeling the recording process on this track, 88 Keys somehow altered his own voice so it sounds like he recorded his verse through a phone or something. Sounds like “Who Shot Ya”. I was also feeling the beat and the “nice” vocal sample as 88 sprinkles some knowledge throughout his story.

3. The Friends Zone
Featuring Shitake Monkey; Produced by 88 -Keys
If your looking for some indie rock mixed with soft pop this is probably your shit, but I wasn’t feeling it at all. At all!

4. Handcuff ‘Em
Produced by 88-Keys
The beat was nice. The lyrics were somewhat nice. By this point in time, I’ve noticed that 88 Keys and Charles Hamilton are one and the same. The song was good if you want to just kick back and take in the sound, but once I started listening to the songs message it seemed mad corny. Like “Ms. Officer” off Tha Carter 3. And the metaphors keep on coming!

5. Stay Up (Viagra)
Featuring Kanye West; Produced by 88-Keys
Great instrumental here. The Death Of Adam and 808’s & Heartbreak seem to be sister albums, categorized as Hip-Hop but containing a lot more singing than rhyming. By the way, Kanye blows here (no surprise), and his Borat reference had me cringing… really ‘Ye… really? On the real though, this instrumental could carry the whole album because it is amazing.

6. There’s Pleasure In It
Produced by 88-Keys
This one is nothing more than an beat; this song would be an interlude on any other album besides this one. I wasn’t feeling this beat as much as the previous one, mainly because it was made around a moaning sample (F for creativity). Swap the instrumentals in the two previous tracks and you could have had a good song.

7. (Awww Man) Round 2?
Produced by 88-Keys
Seven songs in and I’m on the verge of falling asleep. Good instrumental and terrible lyricism again… SKIP! Learn how to rhyme homie, or just stick to producing.

8. Dirty Peaches
Featuring J’Davey; Produced by 88-Keys
R&B track. No, average R&B track. Don’t really remember how it sounded because it was so generic.

9. Close Call
Featuring Phonte; Produced by 88-Keys
It takes nappyafro favorite Phonte to really conjure up a verse deserving of 88-Keys superb production. The first two minutes of this track are the best of the whole album, after the first two minutes it goes downhill.

10. The Burning Bush
Featuring Redman; Produced by 88-Keys
So Redman becomes Adam for this skit/song, and goes to the doctor’s office because he caught an STD. I love Redman, but his three verses seem forced here, following a pretty consistent theme for guest features.

11. Ho’ Is Short For Honey
Featuring Kid Cudi; Produced by 88-Keys
I’m not a Cudi fan at all. But there’s something catchy about this track, but nothing that would make me repeat it. I do admire his rhyme schemes though and the sampling here.  Something to this track, you might have to check it out… maybe.

12. No. I Said I LIKED You
Produced by 88-Keys
I forgot to mention that there has been a girl telling the story at the end of every song. This track they don’t put her at the end, instead just giving her the spotlight. Easy skip for me.

13. M.I.L.F.
Featuring Bilal; Produced by 88-Keys
This is another soft R&B track. Nice beat, nice singing. Still kind of ehh…

14. Another Victim
Produced by 88 Keys
And we’re done! Nothing more to say about this song, other than it feels like the clock hitting 5 o’clock on a Friday. I’m glad to be done.

Bottom Line:
There’s a difference between Shawty LO and 88 Keys. Even though I have a hard time listening to both of them, I can’t hate on 88. This wasn’t my type of album, but I can’t give it a really low rating based on my distaste for the album. At least 88 is trying; a lot more than many artists can say for themselves.

Download: 88-Keys feat. Phonte – “Close Call”


  1. Brother this album deserves another review at least by somebody with a broader taste of hip hop music. I am not saying this album is perfection (not even close) but it has some quality.

  2. @ Infamous F

    I think Kanye was promoting 88 Keys with some of the mixtapes. I think I saw one of his songs on 31 DEgreez, and the Viagra song is a single too.

    Ehh. I have to admit, I was drawn to the intriguing 88 Keys album cover, but this album… I just can’t listen too. I like the work, but its really … unlistenable to. Nothing to be imposing, but it’s a nice job done. I like the Viagra song though, even though Kanye sucks in it. But seriously, not a good CD..

    Chew Rating: 2.3/5

    Oh yeah, review Ace Hoods joint tomorrow.

  3. Ohhh I see.

    Damn, are you seriously waiting for Ace Hood’s shit?! The only song that I’m gettin’ from that album is “Cash Flow” and that’s mainly because of the hook.

  4. @ Infamous F

    No, I just want to see what you thought of it. Obviously I already got the album like, 4 days ago, because I’ve heard some hyping of him, but he’s just got producers and nothing much else.

  5. Chew, I cosign.
    “I like the work, but its really … unlistenable to.”
    That’s exactly how i feel… I don’t hate this album at all, but it sucks.

    @Are You Kidding
    I’ve got a pretty broad taste of hip-hop, I bump Tribe, Deltron 3030, Wale, The Game, Tragedy Khadafi, and The Jazz Liberatorz.
    I really hope that’s broad enough for your requirements.

    But don’t dickride 88 keys. Please. Show me the quality and I’ll happily disprove it for you.

  6. I gave this a few spins over the past few days…and I think I must be missing something. The love that pours out for this album, I just don’t get. I think it has some decent musical composition, but the “story” of the album got completely lost to me. Outside of the narration, it was hardly a concept album. I think that the Kanye push is helping this one out, or maybe I just missed the bus on this one.

  7. I actually think this album is pretty awesome, maybe not lyrically amazing but it’s got some funny shit. This album isn’t trying to be anything it’s not; it’s just a funny story about a guy who knocked up a girl he didn’t like. Beatwise it’s good. I feel like “new” music thinks they’ve discovered the secret of deep deep bass and a catchy repetitive hook and usually a vocoder at some point and for someone to rally against that and make music for the sake of making music? i dig it man.

  8. @ Saul & J

    I have to say, that the conceptual way of telling the album was actually quite interesting, even though the subject of it was stupid, the way the lady kept telling it was interesting, and like, she constantly has her little editorials. I still don’t like this CD though.

  9. 88 Keys went over people’s heads with this one, if you copped it expecting the typicall HIP-HOP concept album you definetly got dissapointed. But if you copped it as a MUSIC fan you can understand the artistry involved in making this album. Im a broad listener I play rock, alternative, afro beat, indie, jazz, blues, hip hop so I recieved the content of this album much better than the typical listener.

    Give this CD a chance, it will grow on you. If it doesn’t the first few times you play it it’s just not your type of music and it never will. but it’s worth a try!

  10. @chew….on paper, the idea was a lot doper than it was excecuted, and that ladies 10 second narration at the end of the song instead of at the lead in to the next drove me crazy. Semantics? I guess, but I wasn’t feeling it…imma keep trying tho.

  11. How can you knock on this? far from a classic but it’s a great effort. It has all the ingredients to a good old Hip Hop album. Great production, great MC’s, funny and relevant.

    Maybe a bit short for an album but Im a satisfied customer!

  12. I got a free copy of this album from Frank records. The man is definitely talented, but should stick to his talent (production), and save us from those lyrics. The album is much better than 808s & Heartbreak

    Top 5: Nice Guys Finish Last, Handcuff ‘Em, Stay Up!, Close Call (fav), No. I Said I LIKED You

    Grade: (3.3/5) B-

  13. yall some haters this album is nice, if you want lyrics go listen to lupe or jay elec not all artist make albums for lyrics. Stop hating on 88 this dude bashed the whole album, I’m not saying there aren’t bad songs but cmon man not ALL of them are bad.

  14. So i was searching for more shit on 88-keys and bumped into this review. and this is definately not a hip-hop site and would not be revisiting in the future. if u and your viewers think this album sucks or is nothing special? even calling shawty lo in the same Breath? u are retarded.

    when was the last time u heard a good hip-hop album with a full on concept? 88-keys is not a lyricist i dont think he thinks so either. but he is very very talent with putting together songs and it is entertaining, funny/real concept. putting adam and eve in a modern day setting? thats genius. u are a shitty reviewer u need to work out your hip-hop dude. and dont claim nappy afro either. that represents roots which u obviously dont have

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