10 “Simple” Reasons Why Lil’ Wayne Is NOT The Greatest Rapper Alive

Let’s be clear; You may look at the title of this post and write me off as another mad “Lil’ Wayne hater”, but to be real with you, I’m not mad. And if anything I’m a “Lil’ Wayne realist”. Let’s look at the facts: Lil’ Wayne is a talented rapper. He’s been officially in the Rap game for almost 10 years and he’s only 26. Weezy has worked hard and most of the success he’s received is well deserved. But to say he’s justifies the title of “The Best Rapper Alive”…not so fast. This topic has been discussed a million times in barbershops, message boards, and street corners and to be real with you I heard good arguments from both sides; some intelligent and some not so much. But, it’s simpler than that. Here’s the 10 “Simple” Reasons That Lil’ Wayne Is Not The Greatest Rapper Alive.

1. He’s an Industry Whore
50 Cent said this about Lil’ Wayne probably more out of jealously than anything else; but he might have been on to something. Can you seriously name all the features Weezy was on in the last 2 years? Exactly.

2. He’s a Poser
If you’re a rapper, what’s wrong with being a rapper? Why do you have to carry around a guitar that you can hardly play a few cords on? At least learn how to play the motherfucker.

3. That Verse he did for Mario’s “Crying Out For Me (remix)”
Example: She said uhh, I said what? She said but I said but? Why you stuck? She said fuck. I said who?”. I still hope Mario didn’t pay for that.

4. The Whole, uh, Homosexual Thing
Do you really think if Biggie was kissing Diddy he would have been called the greatest?  What about Rakim kissing Eric B.? Big Pun kissing Fat Joe? Ewww. If you’re gay, it’s cool. But don’t deny it and make verses like “Damn right, I kiss my daddy…” or take picture like this & this. That’s just as much your fault as his though.

5. Andre 3000 is NOT DEAD
He’s barely raps and is still better than Weezy (And he plays the guitar better).

6. Too Many Drugs
Yeah, it may have worked for Kurt Cobain and Jimmy Hendrix but I sometimes think Lil’ Wayne goes too far. How many times have you heard a wack, half composed Weezy verse or even seen his new piercings/tattoos and said; “Damn, that nigga is getting too high”? Exactly.

7. Too Much Auto-Tune

I’m starting to think Lil’ Wayne has got a vocoder surgically placed in his throat. It’s over with already; let’s move on.

8. Jay-Z is NOT DEAD
Lil’ Wayne said it, I didn’t.

9. That Verse he did for T-Pain’s “Can’t Believe It”

Example: “Now I can put yo ass oooouuuttttt, Oooo keep runnin’ ur moooouuuuuth, and if your brothers come trippin’ Imma show em wat these tear drops abooooooouuutt”. Really? That fucked up the song for me.

10. Ignorant Audience
Okay, this one may not be all Weezy’s fault. I don’t have any problem with recycled rhymes. But when most of you fanbase goes around quoting it like a Lil’ Wayne original it gets sad. If another youngster comes up to me saying something like, “Wayne killed Jay-Z on that last verse on ‘Mr. Carter’!” I think I might lose it.

  1. The verse in “I Can’t Believe it” wasn’t that bad. He might be the “Best Mainstream Rapper Alive”

    good post

  2. Word to number10, what is this, vent your frustrations at certain rappers week for you guys lol? I agree completely tho, Wayne was at his best on C2 and D2 and the sequels to both show how far he’s fallen

  3. i feel everything you said, its bout time for something like this on the Fro’! great post B-Easy; I feel this is going to be a hot and controversial topic for awhile.

  4. Your right. This topic is gonna blow up soon.
    I agree with most everything on here. I mean I bump Lil Wayne but I am getting tired of it. I have a roommate who thinks Wayne is the BEST and its fucking driving me crazy. People say little Wayne is the best when they haven’t even listened to anything BEFORE Tha Carter III.
    I mean atleast listen to Tha Carter I & II(some of his best work) and some of his songs back during the Hot Boys(some of the best music I’ve heard) days. He proved that he could put out a cd covered in shit and people would still buy it….yes I am talking about Tha Carter III.

  5. haha now this is some bullshit, for number 1, how you gonna knock a nigga for putting out too many songs ha this nigga is on his grind, other rappers dont put out as many shit cuz they cant wayne more talented than 99.9% of them, for number 2 haha who gives a fuck if the nigga carries a guitar, and he can play more than a few cords, and youll see soon enough cuz wayne is gonna be on some rock shit as he said, for number 3 this is amazing ha are you kidding me that verse wad dope as a motherfucker i gurantee you most people were feelin that shit, i couldnt get it outa my head, your trippin on that one man for number 4, come on now this kissin his daddy thing is gettin old, you know the niggas not gay, and who cares if he gave birdman a lil peck hah people should not be trippin bout this, number 5, andre 3K is not better than wayne RIGHT NOW period, number 6 i do agree with, i mean damn weezy slooow down, you seen what happened to pimp, number 7 i also agree with i mean sometimes it works but for the most part he sounds sooo much better wthout it, number 8 hah right now i think jay is a lil better but not by much ill give jay another year then wayne will take over officialy, number 9, i didnt feel this verse as much but it definatley wasnt terrible, and how you gonna knock him for puttin out one bad verse when he do a million songs and for the most part there all fire of course hes bound to put a verse out thats kinda weak, tell me a rapper that never slips a lil, and for 10 i sorta agree with, but theres a reason why hes sooo popular, and its because hes extremely talented………just my opinion on this shit

  6. One more reason… That man Nas isn’t dead.. I think people only feel Lil Wayne because he is an industry whore and the people are eating his shit up..

  7. Everything on this list is true to the fullest. I can think of 30 rappers off top who alive and better than Wayne. If this was 04, I’d be on the other side of the argument, but it’s 08 and Wayne sucks.

    LMAO @ DGAF defending this nigga Wayne with the lamest excuses ever. Nigga I Can’t Believe It. You thought Wayne’s verse was good on that. Get the fuck outta here, it was baby shit soft.

    Hating is unwarranted criticism. This is warranted and it’s true! That’s another one of those words muthafuckas say in unnecesarrily. Right along with Swag(Swagger)

    Get some for DGAF and 951 while your at it! Haha

  8. Weezy is too fake.. very true article.. personally think da greatest is EMINEM. 4 a white 2 b soo gud in a blackman’s territory is brilliant n legendary. Tiger woods is tha best not only cos hes gud but also cuz hes dominatin white men at their game. eminem is real n talented n dominated in an era of greats like Jigga, nas, andre300, snoop etc. watch out 4 em’s album next yr. big ups 2 Shady

  9. @ v-g

    i just read there comments and to tell the truth there aint kneepads that big!

    seriously i jus got this zro and trae album and it is the best shit i heard in awhile now lets talk bout dem…..uderated as all hell. they are better den wayne any fukin day. and please that verse was muther fuckin shit. my favorite verse now is by yo gotti

    a ni##a ran in yo spot confiscated yo blocks and he didnt get shot you a hoe ni##a

    i kno yo gotti aint tha best but he has street shit.
    wayne is poser ass wannabe rock star.

    fo da sake of comedy ill spit a wayne diss right now my amilli remix

    i can murder wayne gun smoke get me high off his death
    capture it on tv put it on a cd and watch it on high def

    how a fagget ass bitch like he gon kill me
    when i have more lastin power like diddy on mtv

    he a homo wit his daddy hope he get the bird flu
    know i know he blood thats whut the pool proved

    whther your a goon or a goblin i can give a damn
    cuz when has a goblin been problems to spyda man

    whether your green or your black its really not a problem
    ya boy spyzyda myzayne no bicth ass wayne gon stop em

    that was just a freestyle real quick…..im in school it had to be short

    bottom line waynes shit. end of story

  10. This verse actually makes sense…

    9. That Verse he did for T-Pain’s “Can’t Believe It”
    Example: “Now I can put yo ass oooouuuttttt, Oooo keep runnin’ ur moooouuuuuth, and if your brothers come trippin’ Imma show em wat these tear drops abooooooouuutt”. Really? That fucked up the song for me.

    He’s talking about the tear drop tats by his eyes which are supposed to symbolize how many people you killed. In his case 2 tear drops = he killed two people.

  11. Hangon, i gotta get ready: @EVERYBODY THAT THINKS HE’S THE BEST.

    “sit my alligator jacket on the ground man…let that shit crawl around”


    Before everybody starts claiming as a Wayne hater, LISTEN. I lived in New Orleans around the time The Block Is Hot dropped, i rode my fuckin Huffy bike to Wherehouse Music to cop it the day it came out from money i had made washing cars, so don’t label me as a hater. ALSO i’ve met dude and shook his hand at the Palace Theater 20 in River Ridge, New Orleans next to the Citrus Creek Apartments, where i used to live. Again, don’t label me as a hater. I’m a fan of Wayne but i disagree on his view of himself in the game.

    Dude’s hot as hell in the game right now and has major talent but is he the best NO. On Mr. Carter on the cd ya’ll label as a classic (IF IT WAS REALLY A CLASSIC WOULD IT HAVE 5 SKIPS ON IT?? OUT OF THE 16 SONGS I STILL CAN’T LISTEN TO ABOUT 5…WOULD THE BEST RAPPER ALIVE MAKE A CD LIKE THAT?? NO. LOOK AT KANYE’S GRADUATION HOW MANY SKIPS WERE ON THAT? LOOK AT T.I.’S PAPER TRAIL HOW MANY SKIPS WERE ON THAT?” (reason i said those 2 cd’s is because those were 2 great cd’s that came out before and after Carter 3). And those 2 rappers NEVER EVER said they were the best rappers alive. Maybe King Of The South on T.I.’s part and Kanye saying he’s the voice of our generation, but NEVER steppin on anyone’s toes. If you think T.I. isn’t the King of the south then you out your mind(yea luda killed him on stomp, T.I. came back with a vengeance on KING(way better album then Release Therapy) and out sold him this year) Lil Wayne’s Carter 3 is the only cd he outsold T.I. on. and that shit to me was mediocre, Carter 2 was wayyyy better!

    Also, the most important, ALL HE USES IS PUNCHLINES!!! Yeah some are unbelievably good but some are jus WACK! Listen to Wayne on a song with somebody that’s from the south that has more talent who uses punchlines as well but puts more into it then just that, and somebody that has punchlines and game.

    DOWNLOAD BUSTA RHYMES-THROW IT UP (it’s on his new album) right now!!!

    It’s Lil Wayne, Ludacris and Busta Rhymes.

    Wayne-uses nothing but punchlines, and you can tell he’s trying hard nto to get outshined.

    Ludacris-tears him a new one and sets the bar for Busta.

    Busta-shits on both of em.

    Listen to it and tell me i’m wrong


    thank you so much for doing this.

  12. Aight someone mentioned his name and Imma throw him into the conversation. Wayne is far from the best Rapper Alive.
    When it comes to being an industry whore…then yeah I’ll give him that cuz he is on everyones song. Lets take it back to what Rapping was really about and get to lyrics. From time to time Wayne has some lyrics that make ya say damn. But we all know the best Lyricist alive is NaS. Get him in a battle between Wayne and lets see if Wayne’s “Im a mack mack , im a pi pi pimp, I spi spi spi spit out shrimp, I pull out clean I get out limp, I walk like li li limp I talk like b**** get me a chi chi “, will get him even decent looks. With lines like that shit he is gonna get killed. Only reason he is actually bigger(in mainstream) then NaS is because Wayne has sold out to the public. How many songs on Tha Carter III were actually bangers?? I may know of a few(if that). How many of them were either for the club or for the ladies? someone give me a count. NaS on the other hand has not sold out. His problem is that he chose politics to rap about on “Untitled”(we all know what the tittle is). And I don’t think many people wanna listen to that. But even then some of his lyrics were like damn.
    If you think Jay is better then Wayne then you HAVE to include NaS better then Wayne. Cuz we all know back in the day NaS was Jay’s kriptonite.

  13. Wayne is mad overated, all he really has is a dope flow and word play, thats it, absoultly no substance in his rhymes and this shows in swagger like us, he’s up with some of the greats and comes in a non-arguable last. I have never herd anyone say wayne had the best verse on swagger like us, bottom line is he comes up with a few clever bars, but lacks tons, I mean tons of substance and for that dude DGAF, how does wayne taste buddy, you on his d!ck cuz, the nigga aint givin you no bread cuz.

  14. This is why rap is stupid.. Do we realize how many rappers have said their the greatest.. If you think about it the greats never had to say it.. Rakim, Kane, G-Rap, Slick, Chuck, Nas.. The only MC that has made that claim and i’m cool with it is KRS. And I don’t even think he’s used the term “Greatest Rapper Alive”.. Wayne, Jigga and the rest of them need to dead that.. I put Wayne and Jigga in the same boat.. Yes, they’ve made their mark but they are far from being the greatest.. I could name countless MC’s that would murder both Wayne and Jay.. Folks will claim that’s hating but it’s nothing but real talk

  15. The Top 10 coulda just been a list of rappers that are still alive or his stupid lines….either one woulda been waay more than 10 reasons

    don’t forget the incoherent/schizophrenic rhymes….don’t know WTF he be sayin sometimes

    as for #4….yeah, that shit is GAY…..ever wonder why Baby had all those lil boys around him back then

  16. Lil’ Wayne plain and simple has already reached iconic status. In a 4-5 year span from 2004-2008 he has realeased obviously the most mainstream/underground (mixtape) material of any rapper in history. With a success rate of about 80% in the quality of verses. He has taken the east coast punchline style pioneered by the like of Faboulus/Cassidy & infused that with a freestylish mixtape delivery. Then on top of that you add the “mastery of flow” which is second only in recent history to Jay-Z’s run from ’96-’03. With classic material in works such as:

    1) Dedication 1
    2) The Carter II
    3) Dedication 2
    4) Da Drought 3
    5) The Drought Is Over 5 ( The Carter III Leak)
    6) The Carter III

    I think what people don’t realize is that today’s rap industry requires a more creative approach for success than in the past. Where one only needed a quality albums and a singles .Now one needs a on top of a quality album & lyrics, a consistent mixtape grind & a quality guest verses. All of which Weezy has pioneered to catapult him to as I’ve said iconic status.

  17. I agree lil wayne isn’t the best, even when he was at the top of his game (2004-early 2007) he still wasn’t touching a bunch of people in the game. The truth is no one would say Wayne is the best if he hadn’t started saying that himself, now everyone’s all over his dick.

    Does anyone else see the similarities between Wayne & Luda? Remember in the early 2000’s when Luda would always jump on everyone’s songs and kill them, now Wayne does that, except half the time his verses are crap and people just call them great.

  18. ^blind

    11. He bites everyones shit. Mainly old school east coast emcess – Rakim, etc.
    12. He rhymes in simples’. That shit isn’t hard. “I’ll get all up in your hair like shampoo”.
    13. His flow is terrible – minus the auto tune
    14. His mixtapes get hype from his beat selections (not his lyrics)
    15. Isn’t he a fake blood?
    16. Hasn’t put out one classic
    17. Most of his fans are under 18. (Into to whatever’s popular)
    18. Punchline rapper. He’ll have atleast one punchline on every song
    19. He claims he’s the best rapper alive, but no legendary emcees have ever agreed with him. (Like Rakim saying Eminem was the best current emcee)
    20. Because he’s King Jerm’s favorite rapper joke joke

    It’s not that he’s wack, but just overrated as fuck. He has a nice ear for beats though. I’ll give him credit for that.

  19. But Jay is garbage now. When people say “best rapper alive,” they mean, best rapper right now, not greatest rapper ever who’s still alive. Otherwise we’d just say Rakim or KRS or G Rap and that would be the end of the debate. Wayne is the best rapper out right now. Not that I’m even a huge fan, he’s the best of a weak bunch.

  20. Wayne’s not the best rapper right now.. Just cause he’s a big hit commercially doesn’t mean he’s the best. And you can’t change the meaning of words.. Best Rapper Alive means just what it means.. Some for the title of Best Rapper Alive he has a lot of competition.. Not just commercial rappers either. Rappers like MF Doom are good too but they lack support.

  21. MF Doom??? Get tha fuckk outta here.. I hate how niggas try and act like they’re some hip hop head because they listen to some obsure and irrlevant rappers. Just cuz they underground doesn’t make them talented. Gimmie a break.

  22. hahahaha wow yall niggas are straight trippin.. and how you gonna say hes not the best rapper alive because of who his fans are!!! wtf that makes noo sense what so ever, ya dont sell a mill in a week and be garbage, hes more creative than any other rapper out even kanye the pop star. all you fucks be namin songs and verses that were weak, but do jay murder 100% of his verses? NO, does Nas? NO haha no rapper is gonna be perfect especialy when you put out 20 new joints a week, noooo other rapper can pull off putting out as many verses as weezy does thats a fact and why waynes so popular, his fans are never bored and that cant believe i verse makes perfect sense ya dumb fuck…just think about it so fuck you fuckin haters dont hate the nigga cuz hes popular and people like him

  23. uh, it may make sense, but you cant even fucking understand what th nigga sayin. compare c3 to c2 or even c1 and tha block is hot. tell me those albums weren’t on a higher level than c3. his old hit miss ratio was like 95% but now its about 60%. Saturating the market wit bullshit is worse than taking a long time and releasing music of real quality

  24. I’m a Weezy Fan and I’m even getting tired of it. He sold a Milli in a week yes. But that shit was garbage. Why don’t you continue to jam out to Ms. Officer. I’ll stick wtih my Luda and Game cds. Weezy is only good when he gives a fuck and when whoever’s song he is featured on is actually spitting better verses then him. Thats when his quality comes out.

  25. The best rapper that keeps people supplied with music (Well, Gucci Mane does that too, but come on)

    But seriously, I find Weezy too overrated. Yes, i’m listenign to that song “Let It Rock” (You know Rudolf?) Yeah, that verse was ok, for the first three lines, then it was just ruined. And Lil Wayne can’t play guitar, so don’t look like you can. Sheesh.

  26. @LP ha fuuuck yaa im not sayin wayne murders every track he puts out, but some shit he spits is crazy, but game and luda my two other favorite rappers. LAX was the best album this year and theatre of the mind was like 3rd both amazing albums, game and luda gooo way hard

    @negro your right on some shit , but he dont saturate it with bullshit at all hahaa wow his miss hit rate has gone down but to 60% more like 80%

  27. I knew this would be a big topic, but Lil Wayne is definitely overrated. I like Wayne a lot, and you could as a lot of people I was one of the biggest cash money fans. I bought a lot of their underground albums from B.G., UNLV, Kilo-G, Pimp Daddy, Ms. Tee, Magnolia Shorty, Hot Boys, Mr. Ivan, and etc. So I definitely been on the CMR thing for many years until 2001 when Turk released that album, and Juvenile put out that “Project English”, I fell out with CMR for a while. Anyways lets get to the point, Lil Wayne is definitely the hottest rapper alive because he is in high demand right now but as far as the greatest rapper alive, theres no fucking way right now. Hes good, hes killing a lot of people but sometimes his rhymes don’t make sense, and also you still have some more people that rap like Nas, Jay-Z, Andre 3000, Bun B, Scarface, Jadakiss, and so forth. Hes good but hes not great. I can say I was one of the biggest cash money fans in the 90’s and early 2000’s, back then you couldn’t tell me nothing. I always thought Lil Wayne had talent but it seem like his lyrics had got a little lazy now. I do give him this, he is the most hard working artist alive and hes been really consistent with his.

  28. Also nobody is hating because its not like nobody don’t respect dude hustle but we just speaking how we feel.

    Its rappers out there ya’ll don’t like either, so make sure you keep your shoe lacing tied tight so ya’ll won’t be tripping so much.

  29. Ok Ok I am a huge Wayne Stan…
    But i do feel like Wayne is falling off compared to like 2 years ago..
    EVen than i didnt feel he was the best cause people like Jay-z & Nas are alive..

    But i think people hate Wayne for dumb reasons!!
    Example one is just cause of his fan base.. are u really gonna hate someone just for who likes them?
    Example two would be peolpe hating him for him thinking he is the best. If he feel he is the best so what! He’s not speaking for how YOU feel.
    He might not be the “Best” but he is atleast top 10

    If u disagree than listen to songs such as “Deathwish” (where he bodies Jada in my opinion) and “Never Get It” and “Best Thing Yet” which are all recent songs

    I do agree he need to stop that auto tune though!! Fa real.

    “I’m in the King’s chair, watching SportsCenter, Than i cut on BET, AH DINNER!!”

  30. Whenever Lil Wayne spit stuff like this, then I’ll give him that crown.

    Andre is better than Wayne, for people who don’t know check this out from Dre back in 95 on Goodie Mob album.

    The thought process
    Now as an Outkast I was born, wasn’t warned of the harm
    That would come to meet me like Met Life, but yet life
    Done sent me through a lot of up’s and down like it ain’t nothing’
    Like elevators but I ain’t the one that’s pushin’ the buttons
    I got off at the 13th floor, when they told me that it wasn’t one
    They said it skipped from 12 to 14
    Still smoking, still drinking, no I’m sittin’ on the Lincoln
    4 A.M. thinkin’ that in reality the world is like a ball full of playas
    We trapped off in this maze with walls made of layers
    And only prayers is the tightest game that you can have
    The devil’s takin’ a swing that might explain the broken glass
    But my crystal ball see the pistol fall to the wayside
    Nobody would die in cops and robbers when we used to play right
    Huh, the only thang we feared was Williams, Wayne
    Never though about hittin’ licks or slangin’ caine
    Didn’t think I’d be the one to give in to abortion
    Label me murder because my ass is scorchin’
    Hot from the glock that sits under my seat
    Yeah, it’s real fucked up that my floks come to get me
    And it’s like dat, yeah and it’s like dem

    When Wayne come like this, then he’ll get the top 5 spot from me.

  31. Did this dude mufucka say that he uses “at least one punchline per song” LOL. Name me one rapper who doesn’t use at least one punchline PER SONG. That is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard.

  32. When it comes down to it, Dre is them man with the lyrics and you don’t want to talk about production homie.

    Wayne is good but not the greatest. I hate using that term “greatest” since rappers from different eras came with something that made them stood out. Its hard to pin point who is the goat

  33. Ok so lil wayne has made mistakes….fine,
    but yall niggas need to listen to “I’m Me” again, and forget
    his verse on I can’t beleive it.
    In other words, give him credit for his good shit, instead of bashing him cause of his bad shit.

  34. I feel you Youngbull, but the nigga Wayne is inconsistent and you can’t put a blind eye on some of that bullshit.

  35. yeah V-G u right, and thats why i listen to half the shit he puts out nowadays, but i aint forgettin the good shit either, haha

  36. @AfflictedLife

    You want me to go into detail about the definition of a punchline rapper? That means Lil Wayne’s word play is usually terrible for the entire track, then he hits us with a punchline, and he thinks he saved the track. “Punchline” rappers don’t have great lyrical skills. Listen to Sean Price. He’ll tell you about it.


    Dowloand Throw It Up By Busta Rhymes

    It’s got Lil Wayne, Ludacris, and Busta.

    All Lil Wayne uses is punchlines and he’s TRYING so hard not to get outshined.

    Luda murders him and sets the bar for Busta

    Busta just comes in and shits all over them, and the track

    This track will PROVE he’s not the best when put against another southern rapper who is lyrically better and then another artist who’s just…better, lyrically.

  38. @V-G
    you hit it right on the mark. Half the shit I wouldn’t even listen to. All my roommates are listening to the Dedication 3 & Da Drought is over 6 and I’m like…yeah that shit is wack.
    Point being. Wayne is not the best Rapper Alive. He may be the best in the mainstream view but last I checked Luda’s, Game’s, T.I.’s, NaS’s and Jeezy’s cd were way better then Weezy’s.
    But I’m not gonna front. When the Hot Boys get together, I’mma be dick riding that shit hard.

  39. my my my……………weezy has fallen off drastically from his dedication, drought,and carter 2 days………………i still listen to weezy cus im not on tht bandwagon whr i jus hate on tht dude now lik so many ppl i kno have…………….listen to be plain n simple the guy is not as bad as yall say he can rap and make sum hot song…………”money on my mind” “go dj” “tha mobb 1” and a whole bunch of shit from dedication n drought 2 n 3………………but one thing i will agree w/ and im a firm beliewver in is that he HAS to have a classic album…………..carter 2 was close but too many tracks…………….until he fills in tht criteria hes not the best rapper alive…………..plus hes been puttin out shit lately

  40. haha @Boricua your reason for the Carter II not bein a classic is cuz it has too many tracks?!? WTF thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard hahaha wow you straight dont know what the fuck your talkin bout homie. That makes nooooo sense

  41. @ drb the vagi

    so what r u sayin it is a classic??………hmmmm illmatic had 11 tracks including the intro……….all of them doper than the shit ur moms on……………..now off top my head c2 had 21 tracks………………..how the fuck are all of those tracks going to b listenable plus replayable for a lifetime….theres jus too much margin for error plus its lil wayne i really dont think he can do it…………………plus i own as many albums as many times u beat off a day so u can jus imagine how much that is………………..grow up and comment the post………..not my opinion……………..happy holidays……….

  42. wowzz. point blank, lil wayne is not the BRA, he’s actually far from it.the dude fell off a cliff from drought 3 and carter II into carter III and any new garbage he put out.call me a weezy hater i really could care less. i dont hate him i hate his new music and hate who he’s become. he wak and garbage now but not entirely cuz outta like 50 songs maybe 2 will have a meaning and 10 mite sound good.and NAS is not dead and nas is waaaaaaaaay better. nas should come up more often in the argument against wayne bein the BRA. and seiously though he really needs to lay off the drugs, i mean u got kids man and no one wants to see another young music star die again. lil wayne needa jus revisit his past and bscome the old weezy not this auto tune garbage wak lyrical piece of death bein delivered too hip hop.

  43. Even with the Hot Boys reuniting, it won’t be the same. All their styles changed. I was a big fan of them in 98-2001, but it ain’t the same no more. Lil Wayne always been good but as being the greatest rapper, I highly doubt it. Andre is still in the game, Nas, Jay-Z, Bun B, Redman, Eminem, and so forth. I was a big Cash Money fan back in the day, and you couldn’t tell me nothing.

  44. @ Boricua

    Nas actually had 10 tracks on the CD including the intro “Genesis”. I still have the original CD, and on my ipod. His album was dope as fuck, but personally me I like “It Was Written” better, it was different.

  45. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit theyre both classic nas imo the best rapper alive easily…………..man but “the message” and “take it in blood” is my shit tho…………………

  46. I like his drug-influenced, fucked up rhymes. That’s why I listen to him, but now, I think, he’s gettin too commercial. There’s nothing wrong about him gettin as much money as he can, that’s normal, but because of that, he lost a lot in my eyes. For me, “Playin with fire” is dope as hell, but “Mrs. Officer” is wack. Anyway, give me other rapper who have so “high-as-fuck” rhymes. He’s defineatly not the Best Rapper Alive, but sometimes he drops a gem. If he will stay stick to his drugged out forumla, I will bang his tracks. If not, fuck him. That’s my opinion.

  47. shit tupac rapped high on some trackz..didnt work out to bad fa him lol..and i dont get yall ppl when yall say the nigga goin to commercial but thats wut most of these artist want is to cross ova..mo record sellz u see he on that track wit that white dude forgot his name.

  48. i like lil wayne . i think he’s raw . he may put some dumb shit out , but if you all quit being such haters and just look at what good shit he’s put out , you’d see he’s not bad at all . and you all name all these other rappers and say they’re better , but how well do you see them doing ? i’m sorry but i don’t see them anywhere . an “industry whore” isn’t such a bad thing . he’s makin maaaad money , you’re all jealous .

  49. This post is ridiculous.

    I think Lil’ Wayne is more than great, but not even Lil’ Wayne thinks he’s the best rapper alive.

    He’s just hyping himself, exaggerating like emcees have done since the begginig of time. And it worked, he sold a million TCIIIs in the first week, but taking his words litterally is a little naive.

    Next up: An article that exposes that T.I. is not a “King” because there’s no monarchy in Atlanta. I smell a Pullitzer.

  50. Evidently you guys have never listened to Tech N9ne (or other strange music artists for that matter) or you wouldnt need an article to tell you something as obvious as this. TECH N9NE murders Wayne in all aspects of rap. and actually Wayne has said a few times now that he’s the best…he’s also said that he is in fact a “gangsta”, then that he never got into gangs or trouble, so…

  51. im w/ u! lol! the best rapper in my opinion that created hip hop jazz is Guru! nuff respect n luv 4 da man! RIP! he’s the hip hop king 4ever. if u guys like rap & not crap check out the history & Guru is the man i dont care where ur from.

  52. we arent talkin bout killer. look at anghelic or absolute power.tech would demolish wayne and just sayin wayne was talkin bout jumpin on a track with him (figures since hes a mainstream whore)
    i hate wayne. sooo much and im from his ”home state” im tired of all the god damned dick ridin, wanna be’s that all they talk about is OMG WAYNE SAID THIS ON A SONG! quit acting like f**kin cheerleaders.the dude has no voice. he hasnt killed no one. hes not a ‘gangsta’. hes just some regular ass dude that raps about the same stuff over and over and over.

  53. lil wanye is good in his own way thats his style and eric,b and rakim never kiss okay who ever made this is a hater if you say lil wanye is bad then your saying chief chef is the best rapper then ill say this chief chef is good but not that good but he both rappers have a place in the rap world

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