Jay-Z feat. Rihanna & Kanye West – “Run This Town” [Video]

Damn! Right when I was gonna turn it in for the night, the video for “Run This Town” leaks. With all the teasers, trailers, and snippets of this video, it’s kinda funny it played out this way. Okay, I’m done. Tell us what you think…blah blah blah….

  1. No cohesion to the video. Who directed it…Kanye?

    BTW…Ye KILLED IT! Just wish they would have had a better visual to go along with the song. It’s starting to grow on me.

  2. lol have u guys heard that rumor tht jay is a freemason???…

    what is a freemason anyways?

    aneyas i had higer expectations for this video…still my fav song off of bp3 so far tho

    1. Ur funny uno how can you say rumor when he clearly does the three mason signs an even gets the audience doin it..

      Three masons uno what are people doin to themselves man kmtttt lowe threemasons bulshit

      google it cause its too long to explain

    2. if you all want to know the truth about jay z watch these vidoes there are 11 of them watch all of them to the end here how to watch these videos go to google. and type beyonce,sashafierce,and demon possession.scroll down and click the.thelatterdays.blogspot.
      then scroll down to click here to view the beyonce possession video series.then scroll down to you see the jay z video and watch all of it and it will unmask who jay z is. and also watch all the beyonce videos to.its deep but we need to know the truth.and chris brown as a song called fallen angel which is a song about the devil and when i find it again i will post it up for yall to watch.peace.

  3. that freemason rumor is retarded, he said “i’m in maison, uh, martin margiela” and people thought he said he was a mason. people think freemasons are like the illuminati, which is bs, they just do community service and shit.

  4. I like jay bt I aint stupid that nigga is in the freemason, listen to his shit since reasonable doubt… “The secret society all we ask is trust”, his connection wit David Rockefeller who is one of the founder of the sect, the roc sign which is the same sign of the masons, the secret handshake wit Nas, lucifer on the grey album played backwards jay says murder murder Jesus 666, add that to the fact he calls himsel jayhova,… This nigga is crooked, I can tell u that!

  5. Not onli jay-z, but the whole damn party! Rihanna is a freemason, so as kanye west, coz they did that triangle with the eye thingy which is pure devil work. So as beyonce, listen to the lyrics of sweet dreams, (or a beautiful nightmare? we all no dat is devilish) all the hip hop artists except for a few lyk mariah carey n akon, n all them peepz dat know wat they r doing. I quit listening to these hip hop songs coz the artists r all devil worshippers! lets face it freemason has took ova the music industry…n cum on people look at the bloody title of this sng n u wud no wat im talking about – run this town? they wanna take ova..oopz, i meant f***** SATAN wants to take ova our lives. Sorry, aint gnna happen!!!!! N one more thing, all these devil worshippers are called THE ANTI-CHRIST, so all u true christians out there, i advise u not 2 listen to these sngs!

    1. Only MEN can be Freemasons which means it’s impossible for Rhianna to be one!
      Her alleged allegiance with the devil is something to be debated though. I have
      noticed she’s always got vampire red nails in all her recent photo’s but
      that’s neither here nor there. Maybe it’s a
      fashion choice, maybe not.

      1. Kyla, women can be Freemasons, their is a society in America which accepts women as free masons and women free mason are in highest resect in freemasonry.

      2. Kyla, women can be Freemasons, their is a society in America which accepts women as free masons and women free mason are in highest resect in freemasonry.

      3. Women and men can be freemasons.

        The goal of freemasonry: To become the anti-christ and rule the world along with his/her father, Lucifer, and all of his angels. Freemasonry is also jewish magic which is where you get the term ‘Kabbalah’. You use kabbalistic rituals to communicate with Lucifer angels and they pass on the message to Lucifer himself. The anti-christ is a being and a conciousness in this world and there are people like Rihanna, Lady gaga, Beyonce and the ‘King of Pop’ Jay-z..

        Do you know why Jay-z was the King of pop? He worships Satan and when the war between the 3 greatest rappers happened in 1999, 2pac, Biggie and Jay-z, who won? JAY-Z!!!!! Because he worshipped Satan, his wish was to rise to the top! Where is he now? FFS, they call him the ‘King of Pop’. Now he glorifies his God Satan by putting the pyramid with one eye in all of his songs.

  6. its Official Jay Z Will Burn N HELL were he belongs and he is trying to bring many ppl with him

  7. i have been following these three masons for a while nw n yes the three masons r a brotherhood but this dusnt mean females cnt support dem it jus means they worship satan take 4 example IN NEW VIDEO RUN THIS TOWN rhianna is nt sayin hey in da chorus shes actuali screamin hell imagine da amount of ppl dey hav gt singin dis but dey r nt realisin wat dey r sayin n in al dis artist songs da sly triangles dey al make da handshakes,n especially da hand sign jay-z has every1 doin which means get them wiv da moni dese ppl kno dey r goin hell n r jus lookin 4 ppl 2 take wiv dem….PPL OPEN UR EYEZ!

    1. yeye TRUST ME you know what your talking about Malika!!

      subliminal messages in the chunes aswell you go on youtube put in jayz subliminal msg yeah it comes up with ” 6 6 6 murder murder jesus” now that msg is jus in one of his standard chunes so WHILE your listenin an goin along wit it yeah that message is parsin tru ya brains without realisin!!!!!!!

      Yoo i didnt even realise how bad this song is untill i watched the video!! Tryna make us people follow the mason ting narr man brainwashin us all to worship the devil..

  8. I believe all the people in this video are freemasons wen they say run this town they are referring to running us brainwashing us with their music they all sell their soul to the devil in order to become successfull and make every one love them and their music thisd video is showing there cult which are representing evil and darkness by doin hand signs and holding fire and wearing black also jay z aka hova does say his in masons so that says it all

  9. i dnt know what to believe …whether this things are true or false…coz its disturbing …an somewhat seems true 🙁

    1. thats the key word it SEEMS true because so many people talk about it. Besides that it’s just the usual fake holier-than-thou christian bullshit of people really bored / retarded. Yes I’m the devil incarnate now, for saying so but you are just envious really. If you were in these people’s position in the music industry you really wouldn’t give a crap about these fake ass rumors. Since when is freemasonry devil worshipping. Someone makes a move with their hands and suddenly tens of thousands of idiots online start yelling “devil worship!” how retarded can you be!?

  10. im back heres the video of chris brown yall need to see also.
    go to youtube and type chris brown the fallen angel.scroll down and click the one that say The Devil in Music (Chris Brown Exclusive) – subliminal message and watch it.also spread the word to everyone and everybody and give them all the info i just gave all of you.give them all of it from the beyonce videos to jay z videos to the chris brown video pepole the devil is using our music to do his evil deeds we still can play it and jam to it just be careful to which song it is you jammin to peace

  11. if you all want to know the truth about jay z watch these vidoes there are 11 of them watch all of them to the end here how to watch these videos go to google. and type beyonce,sashafierce,and demon possession.scroll down and click the.thelatterdays.blogspot.
    then scroll down to click here to view the beyonce possession video series.then scroll down to you see the jay z video and watch all of it and it will unmask who jay z is. and also watch all the beyonce videos to.its deep but we need to know the truth.and chris brown as a song called fallen angel which is a song about the devil and when i find it again i will post it up for yall to watch.peace.

    im back heres the video of chris brown yall need to see also.
    go to youtube and type chris brown the fallen angel.scroll down and click the one that say The Devil in Music (Chris Brown Exclusive) – subliminal message and watch it.also spread the word to everyone and everybody and give them all the info i just gave all of you.give them all of it from the beyonce videos to jay z videos to the chris brown video pepole the devil is using our music to do his evil deeds we still can play it and jam to it just be careful to which song it is you jammin to peace

    1. Now Seriously, Either Your Stupid Or Stupid. These Fucks Suck Devil Ballz Hu Gives A Shit !
      Are We Prayin To The Devil? No Were Jus There To Lisen To The Music. If He Wants He Cud Shout Fuck Jesus! Doesnt Matter? Your Not Gonna Praise That Are You. Your Just Praising The Song (Anoe The Jesus Example Was Extreme But Its True) At The End Of The Day Its Amazing Piece Of Music And Thats It. Doesnt Make You A Devils Worshiper If You Listen To It .

  12. This is SO SAD! The devil will stop at nothing, and these poor lost souls are proof. God gave them all special talents and they have chosen to use their gifts against our ALMIGHT GOD. When your heart is full of greed, power and prestige and your head is full of ignorance you will make stupid choices. Choosing to be a Devil Worshiper, Freemason or Illumnati is clear proof. Their fame and fortune is in our hands and I’m boycotting everything this disgusting group of satan followers endorse.
    May God have mercy on their souls and ours.

  13. This Jay z and rihana knew they were gona win the grammy awards, did u see hw they weren’t shocked at all, it cos this whole freemason show is making the followers very successful. But burn in Hell they willN fuck u bitches

  14. does it really matter whether or not they’re masons?
    music is music. lets not get so paranoid.
    good day everyone.

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