FROCAST: Episode #82


Follow us @saulewright @nappyafro @Basketball_Bose @GQ_Blu #frocast #fronation.

This week, we talk about how we feel in the wake of the George Zimmerman Trial for the death of Trayvon Martin. It’s real and raw and for some, it may be offensive. Either way, listen at your own risk. A lot of folks are trying to gauge how some of US feel…well, here are 4 guys telling you how they feel. We also get some calls from the nation so we appreciate you for calling in and listening. We love y’all…and we mean that. Peace.


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  1. Great, epic and important episode of the frocast. When the verdict came out the way it did, I wasn’t surprised, but at the same time, it still goes to show how corrupted, unfair, and fucked up the system still is. Not trying to compare other cases/situations, but Zimmerman walks as a free man and everybody in the world knows he killed Trayvon Martin, but a woman lets off some warning shots in the air, doesn’t kill anybody and she does 10/20 years in prison? WTF?!! Another example, the whole Rodney King situation, those 4 cops were caught on tape just beating him, and those same 4 cops walked as free men. It’s beyond disgusting and fucked up all the way around. Also, it had me asking where did it go wrong for the verdict to come not guilty? A lot of valid points were made in this episode. And about people that wanted to riot after the verdict was out, ain’t that how this all started in the first place with someone being killed? What good is it gonna come out of that situation? It would just lead to more violence, more killings, more funerals, more families wearing black, more slow singing, and more flower bringing. Like GQ Blu, we have to go back to loving each other as people. Because if we don’t love each other and at least look out for each other, then who’s gonna love us and look out for us? It still disgusts when idiots/dumbasses, whatever the fuck you wanna call them, were defending George Zimmerman, after he killed that boy. First, it was the hoodie, then it was the Skittles and Iced Tea, then he might’ve been doing drugs, etc. They can shut the fuck up with the BS. Like I said, it’s just fucked up all the way around. Definitely a great and important episode of the frocast.

  2. Wtf…. Where are the comments at? This is our opportunity to voice our opinion and Fro’nation is quiet. This is less than a week after it happened. Man up Fro’nation!

    1. When you (or GQ,I forgot) told that story about the 13 year old becoming Cisco-certified, I fell out of my damn chair. Man, that is some tough stuff. People take college classes just to become that. And many of them don’t make it, not even close. Props to him, for real. Hopefully, he becomes highly skilled IT engineer instead of a highly skilled computer hacker. lol

      1. Yeah and the fact that he got a 9600 is great. I only got an 8400. The kids smart and dedicated. U actually got him a networking job part time in Vegas.

        A 13 year old without his HSdiploma already has a cert that can help him make upwards of 90 grand a year.

        Oh and he could’ve been Trayvon. Think about that!

    1. We’re too diverse a people to have one or two people trying to speak for us. We need a micro effort. Communities need leaders to advocate for and empower them so that they can do for themselves.

  3. Thought-provoking, insightful, and brutally honest. I appreciate everything you guy said in this episode. It is high-time we as individuals and as a community need have mature discussions amongst ourselves. How bad our condition may be is debatable, but the fact we need to be better for “us”,and only “us”, is not, regardless of our state. We are our only hope.

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