Concert Review: Under The Influence of Music Tour

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Trinidad Jame$

I can’t say anything about Trinidad James’s performance without sharing the thought I had the whole time he was on stage: When is he putting an album out? Mr. All Gold Everything (Did that song really come out a year ago?) entered the stage dressed as surprising as you thought he would. A cowboy hat, a Dickies suit, and workman boots like he just got off working eight hours at the assembly line performed his verse on one of the multiple remixes of Rocko’s “U.O.E.N.O.”, Don’t Be S.A.F.E’s “Females Welcomed” and “Givin’ No Fucks”, “Young Dro’s “F.D.B”, and my new favorite “Team Vacation” filled up the middle section of his set. Before he performed “Jumpin’ Out The Gym”, Trinidad stopped to talk to the audience to ask if they had his first project, Don’t Be S.A.F.E  (He got more than one?), from there, he asked for a blunt and a lighter, becoming the first, but not the last performer to partake in the same festivities as the crowd. “I’m Too Fucked Up”, and “All Gold Everything” closed out his setlist. He left the stage riding his bike after making sure everyone in the audience remember that he lives by three words: “Dream, Believe, and Turn Up!”.

Grade: B–

He was alright. I’m still rooting for him and it made me finally listen to his first project.

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