WWE Wrestlemania XXXI: Thoughts & Predictions

Ladder Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship: Bad News Barrett (c) vs. R-Truth vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan

Saule Wright: There’s just too many people here! Look man, this is probably the most excitement we’ve had around the belt since #PushLuke showed up and beat Ziggler for it. I suspect this match will set up a PPV match between D-Bry and Ziggler…which should have been on this card. I also suspect that if the E doesn’t give the fans another Bry moment, they may tear up this pretty new stadium. So Bry will win, Ziggler will face him at the next PPV and we’ll all be left wondering why Luke (who will steal this match) isn’t doing something more productive with his life in WWE.

GQ-Blu: This match is the clusterfuck that proves that creative has no idea what to do with super-talented guys who don’t have bulging muscles and movie star looks (or R. Truth). You know how bad this match is? My favorite wrestler is in it and he hasn’t even been the most entertaining person in the story (R. Truth). Half the guys in this match should be in the main event picture, and Barrett may be officially be the British version of Ziggler the way he’s booked. I almost want to see Luke Harper turn face so he can actually win a match. D-Bry should win but the way Vince hates him Sheamus will come in and kick him in the face and win. Sheamus wins, and he’s not even in the match.

B-Easy: The smart money is on Bryan. But something tells me that since Barrett has been booked so weakly, he’ll retain. So BNB wins.

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  1. I have the brass ring club wining the preshow, vic is tucked up so Seamus but sandow should win, rusev wins but he lose part1 of me killing my cousin and fuck wwe (cean kills Careers), dean ambrose win (this match is fucked), aj and Paige wins #no chance, sting NEXT, bray just need to seem the winner, Seth wins (this match is fucked), Roman wins part2 of fuck wwe.
    The two fucked matchs are also match of the night candidates but the key matches are worst mania matches candidates.

  2. Weird WrestleMania FACTS

    Source: http://bit.ly/1HdLMj6

    Stone Cold Steve Austin only competed at 7 WrestleManias, going 5-2. He was 3-0 in World Championship matches (and 3-0 in main events by proxy) and 2-2 in non-title matches.

    Stone Cold has refereed three WrestleMania matches: Lesnar vs. Goldberg at WMXX, Lashley vs. Youmanga at WM23, and (uggh) Lawler vs. Cole at WM27.

    Randy Orton has competed in 4 triple threat matches at WrestleMania, including matches for 3 different World Championships (WHC at WM22, WWE at WM24, WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WMXXX).

    The triple threat match between Legacy at WM26 is the only non-title triple threat match in WrestleMania history

    Like it says in the title, Kurt Angle lost 3 different championships in 3 triple threat matches. In all three instances, he wasn’t pinned or made to submit (IC: Benoit pinned Jericho, European: Jericho pinned Benoit, WHC: Mysterio pinned Orton)

    Kurt Angle is 0-5 in championship matches at WrestleMania, 0-2-3 if you count instances where he wasn’t involved in the deciding fall. He is 3-0 in non-title matches

    Benoit competed for a championship at every WrestleMania he took part in except WM17 (counting MitB as a championship equivalent)

    The Rock main evented 5 WrestleManias, with a record of 1-4. All 4 losses were in WWE Championship matches.

    The Rock is the only person to main event a WrestleMania in their hometown. Ultimate Warrior may share this record, depending on if Parts Unknown is located in Toronto. Jericho also main evented a Toronto WrestleMania, but he’s from Winnipeg you idiot! Hulk Hogan came close, being billed from Venice Beach with WrestleMania VII in Los Angeles.

    Austin and Undertaker are the only people to have won multiple WrestleMania main events without losing a main event (both are 3-0). If Lesnar beats Reigns, he will join this group at 2-0.

    With the ARMBAR reportedly being moved to the pre-show, this will be the first time since WM13 that neither Kane nor Big Show have competed on the main card

    Subject to DNA testing, Andre the Giant and Big Show are the only father-son pairing to have both main evented WrestleMania. Cowboy Bob Orton was in Piper and Orndorff’s corner for the main event of WrestleMania I, but didn’t actually compete in the match

    Big Show has competed in matches for the WWE Championship, the WHC, the IC, the US, Hardcore and Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania. Yep. The Big Show

    More Hell in a Cell matches have taken place at WrestleMania (Taker vs. BossMan, Taker vs. Helmsley) than traditional cage matches (Hogan vs. Bundy)

    2 boxing matches have taken place at WrestleMania. The less said about these, the better

    Mick Foley competed in as many matches under his real name as he did under his personas. He competed 3 times as Mick Foley, 1 time as Cactus Jack, 2 times as Mankind, never competed as Dude Love (thanks to /u/lb1997 [1] for pointing out an error)

    In a similar stat, Mick Foley competed at as many WrestleManias after his retirement at No Way Out in 2000 as he did before retiring, again with 3 apiece

    Bigelow vs. Taylor at WMXI is the only main event where none of the competitors would main event another WrestleMania (Angle vs. Lesnar used to fall into this category as well before this year)

    Both Hulk Hogan’s and Bret Hart’s last WrestleMania matches came against Vince McMahon. So was Shane’s, but that’s not as crazy to think about

    Bret Hart has both the honor of arguably the best WrestleMania match (I Quit vs. Austin at WM13) and arguably the worst WrestleMania match (vs. McMahon at WM26)

    Shane McMahon is undefeated at WrestleMania, 2-0

    In Shawn Michael’s second run, he went 3-5 at WrestleMania. His three wins came against Vince McMahon, Ric Flair and Chris Jericho. So, a 60 year old man, a 59 year old man, and Chris Jericho

    Speaking of Ric Flair, his only WrestleMania win came as part of Evolution against Rock ‘n’ Sock Connection in a handicap tag match at WrestleMania XX. He was 0-4 in all other matches, including 3 singles matches and a MitB

    Speaking of Evolution, Undertaker is the only man to have defeated all 4 members of Evolution at WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan is the closest to matching this feat, defeating all but Ric Flair, on the same night no less, at WrestleMania XXX. Cena is the next closest, defeating both Helmsley and Batista at WrestleMania

    Shawn Michaels is the only person to have faced both members of The Outsiders (Hall and Nash) at WrestleMania, losing both matches. If Michaels had faced Hogan at WrestleMania, he would be the only man to have faced all members of the original NWO at WrestleMania

    WrestleMania 18 is the only WWE PPV where Hogan wrestles in NWO colors

    Yokozuna competed in 4 WWE Championship matches over the span of 2 WrestleManias. Twice at WMIX and twice at WMX, going 2-2

    Stone Cold is the only person to have challenged for a World Championship in consecutive WrestleMania main events. Michaels, Cena and Undertaker have also challenged for World Championships at consecutive WrestleManias (Michaels: WM11-12, Cena: WM24-27, Undertaker: WM23-24), but not in consecutive main events (thanks to /u/MotoPsycho [2] for pointing out an error)

    Hart vs. Yokozuna and Rock vs. Cena are the only two matches to headline consecutive WrestleManias. Rock vs. Austin is the only match to headline non-consecutive WrestleManias. Rock vs. Cena: Once in a Lifetime is the only match in this group to not be contested for the WWE Championship

    Hulk Hogan and John Cena are the only two to have successfully defended a World Championship in consecutive WrestleMania main events. Helmsley is the only person to have lost a World Championship in two consecutive WrestleMania main events (Yokozuna might count, depending on if you consider Yokozuna vs. Hogan a main event or not)

    Hulk Hogan main evented 7 out of the first 9 WrestleManias (8 if you count Yokozuna vs. Hogan as a main event)

    Hulk Hogan is the only person to have defended the WWE Championship at two consecutive WrestleManias during the same reign. Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan are the only ones to have won the WWE Championship at WrestleMania and defended the title at the next WrestleMania during the same reign

    Before hosting WrestleMania XXX, Hulk Hogan’s last appearance at a WrestleMania was at WM21 in a segment where he helped Eugene fight off Hassan and Daivari

    WrestleMania XIX, XX and 22 all had handicap matches. Just kind of weird to think about, considering how rare handicap matches are on PPVs and that these occurred at 3 out of 4 WrestleManias of all places

    The handicap match at WrestleMania XIX was the only Streak match to have not been 1 on 1. It was originally supposed to be a tag team match, with Undertaker teaming with Nathan Jones against Big Show and A-Train. Jones was taken out beforehand (read: not ready for such a big match cough Reigns cough) which resulted in the match becoming a handicap match.

    WrestleMania 21 was the only time both the WWE Championship and WHC changed hands. WrestleMania 27 was the only time both titles were successfully defended

    The Intercontinental Championship was successfully defended in its lone WrestleMania main event appearance

    WrestleMania 23 was the only time the tag team champions were in the main event, albeit as opponents

    Stone Cold and Vince McMahon are the only two Royal Rumble winners to not receive a championship match at WrestleMania the year they won (Austin in 97, Vince in 99)

    Neither Benoit nor Guerrero competed at WrestleMania 18 (Benoit was injured, Guerrero wasn’t with the company). At WrestleMania 19, they competed against each other in a triple threat tag team title match (won by Team Angle). At WrestleMania XX, both were world champions

    Undertaker is the only person still competing at WrestleMania to have wrestled at a single-digit WrestleMania. The next closest are Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Goldust, both of whom competed at WrestleMania XII

    WrestleMania XX was 5 hours long and contained 12 matches. WrestleMania IV was 4 hours long and contained 16 matches. WrestleMania VII was 4 hours long and contained 14 matches. WrestleMania 18 was 4 hours long and contained 11 matches. WrestleMania XXX was 4 hours long and contained 7 matches and, from the sounds of it, WrestleMania PlayButton will also be 4 hours long and contain 7 main card matches…

    Sting’s debut match in WWE will take place at WrestleMania. The last person to have their debut match at WrestleMania was FaaaaaaaaaaanDaaaaaaaaaaaaaanGoooooooooooooo

    Aside from tournaments, Daniel Bryan is the only wrestler to win two matches at the same WrestleMania

    Twice has the WrestleMania main event ended in a draw and had to be restarted (Hart vs. Michaels XII, Miz vs. Cena 27)

    The WWECW championship was defended only once at WrestleMania: an 11 second squash with Kane beating Chavo Guerrero at WrestleMania 24

    If Roman Reigns defeats Baaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrooooooock Leeeeeeeeesssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnaaaar at WrestleMania, it will be his first pinfall or submission (…okay, pinfall) victory at the event (Ambrose and Rollins scored the pins at 29 and XXX respectively)

    CM Punk never main evented WrestleMania. Jericho, Benoit, Edge, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Daniel Bryan, Bam Bam Bigelow, Big Show, Diesel, Ultimate Warrior, Ted Dibiase, Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, King Kong Bundy, Sgt. Slaughter, Roman Reigns and The Miz each main evented WrestleMania once

    Randy Savage, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Batista, Yokozuna and Sid main evented the same amount of WrestleManias with 2 apiece

    Speaking of Sid, he’s the only person to have main evented WrestleMania under two different names (Sid Justice at 8, Sycho Sid at 13)

    Bam Bam Bigelow is the only original ECW Champion to have ever main evented WrestleMania. Big Show is the only WWECW Champion to have main evented WrestleMania. Both title reigns came after they main evented

    Mr. T and Lawrence Taylor have both main evented WrestleMania. CM Punk hasn’t

    By pure coincidence, Mr. T and Lawrence Taylor are also the only two African Americans to have ever main evented WrestleMania

    Booker T is the only African American to compete for a World Championship at WrestleMania. There have been as many “Japanese” wrestlers to compete for World Championships at WrestleMania as actual African Americans

    (NOTE: Someone is undoubtedly going to ask about this, so here’s a disclaimer: The two stats above do not include The Rock)

    Booker T has only 1 WrestleMania victory, in a tag team championship match with RVD at WMXX

    WrestleMania X and XXX have some interesting parallels. Both events feature what are considered the best opening matches in WrestleMania history in Hart vs. Hart at X and Bryan vs. Helmsley at XXX. Both opening matches feature a competitor who would go on to win the world title in the main event later that night. Both events didn’t have a finalized main event until the show was underway, with Yokozuna beating Luger and Bryan beating Helmsley finalizing the respective main events

    WrestleMania XX and XXX also have some interesting parallels. Both events featured triple threat main event matches won with a crossface submission maneuver. Both non-winners were former stable-mates (D-X and Evolution respectively). There was a spot where the eventual winner was driven through the announce table by a double-team move. Both matches feature Helmsley playing an important role (defending World Heavyweight Champion at XX, interfering at XXX). Both winners had been in the company a little more than four years at that point (Benoit defected to WWE in January 2000, Bryan joined NXT in February 2010). Both main event winners competed in a tag team championship match on the previous WrestleMania. Both main event winners were in a multi-man ladder match on the following WrestleMania

    WrestleMania I is the only one to not feature a WWE Championship match, and was the only time a tag team match headlined the event

    Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus got bumped to a dark match at 27, was a squash match at 28, was rumored to be a match at 30 and was rumored to be a match at this year’s WrestleMania, meaning there could’ve been 4 Bryan vs. Sheamus matches in a 5 WrestleMania span

    What do Bruno Sammartino and The Gobbledy Gooker have in common? Both have only had 1 WrestleMania match, a losing appearance in a battle royal

    Only Undertaker and Brock Lesnar have a decade between consecutive World Championship matches at WrestleMania (Taker: 13-23, Lesnar: 19-31)

    Lesnar has the longest stretch between main events in history (12 years), just beating out the previous record held by The Rock (11 years)

    Jericho, Cena, Mysterio, Miz and Orton have all gone from the opening match of WrestleMania one year to a World Championship match the following year.

    Paul Orndorff is the only person to go from main eventing WrestleMania to opening the event the following year. Bryan or Orton can join this stat depending on their match placement on the card

    No one has gone from main eventing WrestleMania to being left off the card the next year that was still in the company. If they weren’t on the card, it was because of injury (ex. Helmsley) or retirement (ex. Michaels) or defecting (ex. Hart)

    So far, no MitB has ever been cashed in at WrestleMania. Dolph Ziggler came the closest, cashing in the night after WM29. Mr. Kennedy…KENNEDY and Daniel Bryan both degla declared their intentions to cash in at WrestleMania, but neither came to fruition (Kennedy got injured and lost his MitB to Edge, Bryan cashed in four months earlier on Big Show)

    Miz is the only person to have defended a World Championship at WrestleMania during a MitB cash-in reign

    Curtis Axel has never lost at WrestleMania #AXELMANIA!

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