Happy Valentine’s Day…at the last minute.


Some of us guys wonder why our lady friends are ill with us on this day. Well if you are like any of the guys that I saw out last night at Sprawl Mart, then you probably are in the doghouse right now. Men we need to prepare ourselves for this day. This shouldn’t be a 5-10 minute stop at the drug store to grab a couple of things and bounce! Take some time to think about what your girl/girls like. It will be easier and cheaper. I saw straight savagery last night! I was amazed by how many guys that were out last night shopping. Some guys go in and pick up the first thing they see and walk off. It was one guy that grabbed a bear, roses, and a card in less than 2 minutes. He didn’t even read the card! What about the guy I saw at the corner store buying his girl a gift! What‘s she getting, Newports and a 211? What about all of the idiots in Victoria’s Secret, buying that expensive stuff just to take it off! Plus, your chick doesn’t even like that stuff. They rather buy it for you to see on them! So for the record, Valentine’s Day is on February 14, guys we have 366 more days until it comes around again. Don’t be the jerk who got his girl a leopard two piece! We all know that the girls really don’t care about Valentine’s; they just need to tell their friends what their lover got for them on Valentine’s Day!