Lil’ Wayne – “Prom Queen” & “Hot Revolver”

lil-wayne-w-a-diamond-cup-psd10139 I know that a lot of you guys hate everything about Weezy, but I’m starting to understand why. How high was Weezy when he decided to make a rock album? Why didn’t anyone intervene and say that this might not be a good idea? Looking at the recent success of a rushed album by Kanye got Weezy to put on his “thinking cap”. We all know that he has been pictured with a guitar, strumming the same notes for the last two years, but  a whole album though? Come on Weezy, make Tha Carter IV and keep trying to be the best rapper alive. I really dislike rap/rock collabos, so excuse me if this comes off a bit harsh. I can’t cosign Weezy on the rock tip at all. To me it sounds ALOT like the Jonas Brothers. I know Weezy didn’t play any of the instruments, because it was done really well. This sounds like one of those songs that you would hear on The Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. Wayne, please go back to being the “rapper eater” and stop wanting to be this all around Hip Hop backpacker/Hipster/Rock Star/skateboarder. Don’t take my word for it….YOU BE THE JUDGE.

Download: Lil’ Wayne – “Prom Queen”

Download: Lil’ Wayne – “Hot Revolver”

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. Yeah I have to agree with you on this one. I mean I respect the fact that he is doing something different, and adventuring out but I don’t think this will be a good look. I guess somebody gotta take that chance, why not since hes hot right now.

    I like the instrumental, the guitars and the elements in the background but his singing sucks like usual. I can’t picture wayne doing that.

    I still remember bumping the Hot Boys and shit like that, I would never thought in a million years back then that people would say he is the best rapper and definitely making a rock album. I would have never thought that.

  2. Come on it aint that bad! A lot of niggas are gonna be feelin this and the album droppin April 7th. Everyone on this site constantly diss Weezy, and yet ya still cant stop talkin about him. This shit is pretty dope and I for one am as excited for The Rebirth just as much as LupEND, Detox, Relapse, and any other album thats supposed to drop this year….except Blueprint 3! It takes sooo much talent for a rapper to be willing and able to break into new mainstream genres, and pull it off!! So fuck yall haters have an open mind about it and youll start to like it or at least tolerate it. It is what it is and Weezy, aint like Jay or NaS, and if you dont like it then stop listenin to him and talkin shit about it. You dont gotta agree that hes the best rapper alive, but you do gotta admit the dude is madddd talented!

    1. I like Weezy, I just don’t think he should go the rocker route. To be good at two things, you have to be good at one first. Weezy needs to understand that his core audience will leave him once he drops this rock album. They don’t want growth, they just want to hear Weezy rap over the hottest beats.

      1. true, true I wanna see the old Weezy just as much as everybody else (Carter 2, Drought 3) but I dont think its gonna happen. I think this rock shit itll just be a one time thing…..some people are gonna hate it and some are gonna love it, but itll still do some impressive numbers cuz its Weezy…It wont be as bad as yall think tho if you have an opened mind tho, im feelin it!

  3. I gotta say that this is one of the ideas that I agree with Weezy on. He is fresh off a 3x plat Hip Hop album in a time when gold is the new plat. To reach out to a market that ALWAYS does it’s numbers respectfully is a brilliant idea.

    Let’s not forget that Walk This Way really put Run DMC on the global map. Rock and Roll is OUR music too folks, look it up. I think Weezy is going to be one of, if not the first, to go platinum in 2 different genres and if he does, look for the Weezy acoustic album coming right after that. The man is a marketing machine, why stop now?

    Now, will it be good????? Well, I don’t think this song is bad, his voicebox stuff is starting to have it’s own sound and become tolerable, I guess…. We shall see.

  4. Okay well lets look at this. We all know the album will most likely be horrible, BUT its gonna sell because…Its Wayne..sadly

  5. anybody that has seen the evolution of weezy f can see that this izz nothing but a marketing move! theres gonna be some hip hop heads that will drop this nigga like a bad habit over this, but what you gotta understand izz MOST of his core audience will still be here when he comes back over the fence. this izz a brilliant move markability-wise cuz its gonna double his target audience from jus hood niggas to white suburban kids whose only idea of hip hop izz whatever izz hot enuff to be played on the “alternative” radio stations! now whether or not its gonna be good, thats still yet to be determined…

    weezy izz gonna definitely get caked out behind this album, and for the most part all the dudes thats been on his nuts up to now will still be here when mr carter comes back to his senses

  6. actually if anyone listened to the the drought is over 6 you would know he said he’s not gonna name his cd the carter 4 he said he wants to name it the carter 3 again becuase it was so diverse and everyone had somethin they liked on it…..WhuT THe FuK?!?!?!?!?!?

  7. o and @ 916ness

    no problems with ya dog, but i get REALLY MUTHER FUKIN PISSED when people use the “there making music for white kids” shit. sry to tell you but white people quote on quote dont listen to mainstream shit like its the only hot thing. as a white dude myself and nein 16 people are automatic in sayin this cracka like soulja boy. which i listen to because hes a fun artist but for now on just say kids. no white kids black kids asian kids damn it! i listen to dmx, the lox, ugk, ball and g, real shit….and gucci mane. Gucci. but really its irritatin. I go to a all white school. not one person will like this shit. not one!then again im frum ct and i go to a NH skool (i stay ct bitch hip hop to the fullest) so everyones almost a rock fan….but fuk em. weezy a bitch neeways.

  8. @ Spyzyda Myzayne

    first off.. nothing against you but your name-too confusing

    secondly.. i wasnt tryn to come at white dudes i was jus pointing out how the suburban crowd izz gonna jump on weezy tip even more after this rock bs hits the target stores, and what demographic izz mostly found in suburban areas? white kids! now i understand that my previous comment was rather stereotypical and maybe i was wrong so i apologize. i understand not every white kid listens to rock music and not every black kid listens to rap, HOWEVER the mass percentages confirm this stereotypical thinking. instead of being pissed at what im saying maybe you should say, “thank god im not in that category”!
    im jus saying bruh…

  9. Man, I agree with 916-ness. I live in the suburbs, and all these white kids LOVE Weezy and Kanye. I’m telling you! It’s hardly stereotypical than fact. Like when it was fact that 50% of 2Pac’s album “Me Against the World” was bought by suburban white kids.

    About this song, its awful of course. I want to see Lil Wayne hungry again, on some “I’m Me” shit. That’s what I want to see. You say you’re the best rapper? Make some rap and make me believe you!! Where is C4?? Do I have to remind you Kanye West’s 808’s is his worst album both critically and commercially? I swear these rappers are driving me crazy.

  10. I personally don’t think it’s too bad of a song, as much as i hate the NEW Weezy. I can’t even lie he killed it on that Kevin Rudolph song and if the cd is going to have that style of sound than i’m all ears.


    I’m with you on that too, he’s not anywhere near as hungry as he was when C2 dropped, that shit is STILL classic to me!

  11. wwwwwwwwooooooooooooowwww fxck weezy. seriously whats next? kanye singin, weezy rockin, so TI or luda gunna do country?

  12. @ H20 and 916ness

    916 i see where you comin frum i hear ya bruh

    now h20…….your a psychic a damn psychic!

    my friends liek weezy and kanye. i hate em both. kanye just garbage but my friend rides him like a stallion and weezy not so much but they like him. no please no. but….my friends who stay true (my ct boys) can see past overated ass weezy and shit kanye. o and uhh the dude who said weezy killed let it rock, i cant disagree more. i woulda liked it more if he was gone.

    o and 916 again sry i called you a pussy, who rides dicks like a stallion. if you read that in a past topic. i got pissed when you said get off gucci dick. thats just homo man and i hate homos. no lie…(cough weezy cough) so jus sayin we cool.

  13. I agree with everything H20 said…except that 808s was Kanye’s worst critically…Personally I’d give it a C or so but that shit got more A’s and 4 stars than I thought it would. wouldnt be surprised if this rebirth trash gets the same

  14. i heard ms officer for the first time……yesterday…..and its to bad i didnt lose enough blodd after cutting my wrists (i really didnt) becuase that song sucked the biggest and blackest of all inhumanly sized dicks.

  15. @ Spyzyda Myzayne

    I honestly tried to find many different ways to come about this but u just said Kanye is shit…HOW????

  16. im tired of niggas being ready to throw Ye under the bus jus cuz he released a (successful by numbers) album that wasnt up to the masses standards! fuk that, first off you gotta understand 808’s wasnt by any means meant to be a hip hop album! so you cant judge it from that standard! in order to really understand why this shit izz still selling you gotta come at from a pop perspective, and thats why its selling so much! the pop heads and alternative party go’rs are the main ones eating this shit up so much so dont hate on kanye jus cuz he’s proving that he can still be successful and push units even when he’s appealing to a whole different crowd!

    but yea 808’s was garbage…
    but then again so izz brittany spears’ life and yet she still manages to stay relevant…

  17. @h20 and pitbull

    i hate em cuz i hate em not cuz of his new album which increased my hatred. i like Jesus Walks and i bought the colledge dropout but after that he went shit fuk em.

  18. honestly i dont think this is such a bad idea, it doesnt sound that bad, and i think we should all be open for variety in rap when it has a minimum hotness, not like that kanye shit

  19. i don’t see why everyone is hatin on lil wayne…
    it’s not like he’s commited to only rock. i’m sure he’ll still rap and hot revolver is pretty sick.. i say keep tryin the rock.
    he’s spreading his influence through more then just the normal rap.


  20. well um i just listened to these after a long line of hatin and wow….im speechless not in a bad or good way. I didnt really like hot revolver but prom queen, i sorta didnt like it but i also did. well i guess it cud be alot worse.

  21. never mind its trash i hate it, i cant stand it. i will never give that album a listen o hell no o hello no damn shit hell.

  22. I actually like a lot Prom Queen. Hot Revolver.. umm kinda.. its just toooooooooo simple..
    You gotta admit, Let It Rock – Kevin Rudolf feat. Lil was amazing, and it kicked ass everywhere. I hope Wayne’s upcoming Rebirth will be like that.

  23. so wayne on his rock shit personally its not a bad move reasons
    1. he’s the most marketable man in hip hop if not in all music ( shit he been on espn commercials cover of rolling stones mag)
    2. he’s got everyone listening to his shit old or new I know I pulled out his old shit again after c3 bummeer
    3.prom queen is honestly a really good song based on the fact he never played a guitar till two years ago and I think that song and hot revolver will sell the album themselfs
    4. I think regardless how this album does its goin to make people want his rap again… if it flops people for one will be eager to here new rap of his for one to see if he’s still got it and two because they will want more
    if the album doesn’t flop and sells its still goin to keep his name out there and once c4 drops he will have same listeners buying it and then he will also be pulling people from rock music to listen to his shit

    all in all I think its a good move and rebirth will sell just cause the name
    and you be dis on prom queen but listen to it a few times and it will catch on

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