Poll Question: Deeper Than Rap or Asleep In The Bread Aisle?


Okay, so finally both albums by Asher Roth and Rick Ross have officially been released. And both album couldn’t be any more different. We at nappyafro have also released our reviews for both albums: King Jerm’s review of Deeper Than Rap & B-Easy’s review of Asleep In The Bread Aisle. You’ve seen the ratings and we’ve seen the comments/emails. Why not put it to a vote which is best? So, cast you vote to see who has the better album: Asher Roth or Rick Ross? Don’t be scared… (Update: Poll closed on Friday. Ross by a nose!)

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  1. Good post B!

    On the real tho, people gotta stop trippin on Jerm’s rating, it’s his opinion and i stand behind it.

    I DON’T THINK IT’S A 4.5 but it’s most def a 4 star album.

    AND i don’t wanna burn some bridges with anyone one here but ASHER ROTH is wack to me…sorry…out of all the new cats in hip hop IMO the one that will have the biggest debut will be KID CUDI!!!

  2. I picked Asher Roth mainly for the reason I can relate to him more than Rick Rawse. Oh yeah, I’m definitely getting into that “Usual Suspects” song with NaS. NaS’es delievery is smooth.

  3. Idk…Rick just don’t appeal to me, when just coming off so cocky n stuff, why listen to sum guy brag about his life so much, when it’s obviously not true…then what I don’t get is how many songs for the females is on there…I’m never one to talk about songs about girls, but damn nigga. atleast not make the songs so obviously aimed for them (Is it me or does it seem like the only time Ne-Yo is on somebody elses song is when it’s about a girl? minus Minority report).

    Well produced though, can’t knock that.

    Asher Roth is fresh and a nice switch up from whats out now. I’m goin with Asher.

  4. @ Stan Spit…the correct use would be “a” question. SUPPORT THE ARTISTS!

    @ Ree-Up
    all rappers lie about their lives. come on fam…DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE!

    I can’t believe Ross is losing to this guy. SMH

  5. @ Stan Spit…the correct use would be “a” question. SUPPORT THE ARTISTS!

    Nope, you got that wrong. You never use “a” before a word with a vowel sound. The word “or” has a vowel sound, so the correct word to use is “an.”

    1. Just so you know…

      Remember, using a or an depends on the sound that begins the next word. So…

      * a + singular noun beginning with a consonant: a boy; a car; a bike; a zoo; a dog
      * an + singular noun beginning with a vowel: an elephant; an egg; an apple; an idiot; an orphan
      * a + singular noun beginning with a consonant sound: a user (sounds like ‘yoo-zer,’ i.e. begins with a consonant ‘y’ sound, so ‘a’ is used); a university; a unicycle
      * In some cases where “h” is pronounced, such as “historical,” us an:

      An historical event is worth recording.

      So there you have it..ENGLISH CLASS IS OVER!

  6. # Asher Roth – Asleep In The Bread Aisle (53.0%, 127 Votes)
    # Rick Ross – Deeper Than Rap (50.0%, 118 Votes)

    Good to see those at nappyafro can do their sums!

  7. * an + singular noun beginning with a vowel: an elephant; an egg; an apple; an idiot; an orphan

    Um, that’s kinda what I was saying. “An orphan” follows the same grammatical rules as “an ‘or’,” which is what I wrote. Other examples include “an oar,” “an organization,” “an orange,” etc. The letter “o” isn’t a consonant, and the word “or” doesn’t begin with a consonant sound.

    But I’m not about to get into a grammar fight over the internet.

    1. but you said:

      “Why is this an “or” question? I plan to illegally download both albums.”

      All I was saying is that you would use “a” because q is a consonant and not a vowel.

      It’s good to disagree, but in the end only one of us is right!

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