Jay-Z – “Thank You” x “A Star Is Born” (feat. J. Cole) x “Hate” (feat. Kanye West)


Can you tell that The Blueprint 3 has leaked? Damn Jay. Well, I wasn’t gonna post these songs but then I thought, “What the hell?”. After posting quite a few leaks off BP3, this is the finale. Plus, these are the three songs I see most other sites posting so I’m not spreading the leakage too much. I actually almost happy too; we can stop posting up Jay-Z tracks and get back to doing reviews again (We got one coming today actually). I’m still going to Best Buy on September 11th 8th (It’s been pushed up!). P.S. “Thank You” is hard! Update: Had to add The Blueprint 3 commercial for Rhapsody. Best. Jay-Z. Commercial. Ever.

Download: Jay-Z – “Thank You”

Download: Jay-Z feat. J. Cole – “A Star Is Born”

Download: Jay-Z feat, Kanye West – “Hate”

  1. So much for that super – secrecy that Jay usually does for his albums anymore.
    I have to admit these tracks are that Jay we’ve actually wanted all this time for this week. Thank You is quite a hard track, it’s not spectacular or amazing, but it’s a nice post – Encore song in my opinion that just let’s Jay, well thank us. As for, A Star Is Born with J. Cole, is another good song, nothing super amazing, but at least Jay takes some of his time to let the new generation (Not super underground he’s mentioning, Kanye West, Lil WAyne, those dudes) shine, telling us that the stars are born. J.Cole’s verse also is a nice addition, just letting us know he’s here. Haters, with it’s originality with Kanye West (Who knew?) is a different song for Jay-Z to actually do (But he’s been doing a bunch of weird shit lately with Timbo and his voice) Kanye West’s verse is too short to judge (What’s with his gun imitation voices?), and Jay does a nice job on it, again nothing to mention.

    The best song is probably from top down (Thank You to Haters), all worth downloading, and the best of all the freaking leaks from Jay so far (Although I Got the tagless of Dig A hole this week too) All of the production is good, so there’s no worry for TImbaland producing any of that shit.

  2. Damn you posted hella songs Easy. Im not listening I’ll wait, but at least I see these tracks and others getting much better reception than the Timbo ones. I hope Jay still sells good…

  3. Same here, I didn’t listen to relapse until it dropped and it was way more enjoyable even thiugh its tempting as fuck, but none of the songs leakin are even on the tracklist y’all posted,

  4. commercial was sicc as fucc…..i like empire state of mind the most out of all the songs leaked…that hook is ridiculous

  5. Man damn Jigga. Whats iz up with that? I’ll check these cuts later. Hopefully their tight and worth it since its been hyped.

  6. A Star is born is fire and hate is cheeks. Yeah Alicia kills that Empire State of Mind hook. That is another good song.

  7. we must understand that Jay has crossed over he got a 110 million dollar contract with live nation to do shows. he can afford to leak the shit now cause he know you gonna get it anyway whether you buy it or download it the only thing you cannot bootleg is a live show so the audio bootleggers are getting cancelled out. there might still be strong market for sneaking in a hdcam, taping the show and selling dvd of that

    the live show is the only true form of artistry left, so all yall can keep rappin and keep tryin to sell mixtapes out of your trunk it doesnt matter you are better off having your uncle build you a stage in your backyard and charge kids in your hood 5 bucks to come see you spit and give them a mixtpae for free upon entry provided that u actually have hot material anyway

    this is why soulja boy do free shows in atl for his community music is changing we need to change with it. and the funny part is we affected the change so much and we still dont undertand why big homie would leak the entire album lol.

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