DMF of the Week: Kanye West


Glad I got back from Philly in time to write this…what do you get when you add a bottle of cognac to one of the world’s biggest egos?? Taylor Swift in tears, apparently. Damn. Kanye has jumped on stages before bitchin’ about not winning when he thought he deserved one, but he was out of line here for couple of reasons. First, Taylor Swift has never won a VMA before; it was her first ever award from MTV, and ‘Ye pretty much killed that moment for her. If somebody jumped on stage when Kanye won his first award, I bet he’d have something to say about it.

Second, he was even fighting for himself! He was fighting for…wait for it…Beyonce! Now I know Beyonce and Kanye are good friends, but can you even NAME all the awards that Bey has won in her career?? Plus later on that night, Bey ended up winning Video of the Year, so that kind of made Kanye look like a dumbass even more.

It was a good look for Beyonce to bring Taylor Swift back on stage with her. We all thought Kanye had calmed down after his mother’s death, but what he did here obviously shows that he hasn’t changed much at all. Kanye’s apologized like 3 times already, but c’mon: if Beyonce hadn’t won Video of the Year, do you seriously think Kanye wouldn’t have called MTV racist like he did two years ago??

Does this mean that I’m no longer a Kanye fan? No way, the man has a huge ego, but he makes damn good music. But for his actions Sunday, he is without a doubt THE DMF OF THE WEEK!

Kanye West Steals Taylor Swifts Spotlight

Kanye West Apologies On Jay Leno

  1. Kanye West needs his ass hit with a steel chair for that bullshit. Then again, MTV needs a bodyslam for not giving the award to Beyonce in the first place. Oh no!

  2. Kanye act like a bitch sometimes and its showing overtime. I was a big fan of his but he just beginning to become to feminine with his antics. He already cried about the award show a while back and then that situation with that girl.. Thats crazy. I heard 50 Cent said he wished Kanye would’ve did him that way because he would’ve knocked him out, which I definitely co-sign with him 100%. Kanye rap much better but his beats been slacking and I just can’t co-sign how he act. He trying to do what Old Dirty done back in 98 but he ain’t ODB. He was very humble and grateful in 04, but in 09 he just can’t control himself. Epic fail of the month!

  3. Shut the fuck up macho
    taylor derseved the award
    besides beyonce won a bigger award
    im kinda sick of u posing ass comming on here and trying to talk shit
    get your wrestling lingo outta here fag

    1. Here’s another girl I gotta put the smack down to. Zodiac? Isn’t that a stripper name? Instead of writing stupid comments about me maybe you should get back to your day shift on that stripper pole. You know, when the d-team strippers come out. If you be real nice, Macho Man may even come by and spend some of that Slim Jim money just I can see that c-section scar. Naw, I’m happy with Miss Elizabeth. Why are you even here on this site saying Taylor Swift should deserved the award? I bet there’s a redneck forum somewhere just waiting for you to join. Bionic elbow for your dumbass. Ooohhhhhhhh yyeeaaahhhhhh!!!!!!

    1. Come on fam. Ye know who to do that to and not to do that to. If he did that to a man or a real cat he probably would’ve got the elbow to the jaw. I’m not saying Ye a bad person but he act so feminine now and he cry about awards and shit. Nobody ain’t going to keep pampering him up and tell him everything going to be ok. That dude got millions and living better than us real talk. I like Ye as a producer but sometimes his actions is a little bit suspect. He been hanging around too many females.

  4. well we all know Kanye always does dumb shit at the VMAs. But this one was extremely rude, mainly on the fact he took the mic from her, and openly said he thought beyonce should’ve won and took away swift’s chance to shine.

    Even though a lot of people do agree with Kanye that Beyonce should’ve won, he should’ve waited till after the awards to express his opinion like saying “Taylor Swift deserved that award, but I thought Beyonce would’ve won that”. West just likes causing shit and getting some attention.

  5. First of all Tay Swift is the shit. Been ridin with her for a while now, just bein honest. But this shit is going to help her in the long run cuz most people didnt know who she was before this. But she really is dope as hell ha. But all i can say about Ye is wow. Whats gonna happen is he’ll apologize and then they’ll do a track together..

  6. Oh, what a drama queen he is. I don’t hear any new albums coming out soon from Mr. West, if he’s trying to make publicity.

  7. ight why dont u go have hulk rape u in the ass
    after all u like slim dicks
    Midget man enought with ur wack ass wrestling shit
    ur just some skinny lil white kid sitting behind a desk eating a fucking slim jim and dorritos masterbating to pictures of ur idol macho
    so how about u take ur shit else where and get it off this site
    plus wat the fuck do u know about hip hop

  8. and ye is all good yeah it was rude but i think its the fact hes black and took it away from a 19 year old white girl who i happen to think is pretty dope
    its getting all blown out of porportion
    plus its not like he was the only rude interruption that night look at lil she pissed jay off

  9. Lil Mama was wrong for getting on the stage with Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes by the way. That was rude. She too childish and you can tell Jay-Z didn’t like that.

    Anyways I don’t care if that girl was white or black or whatever, what ye did was wrong. He wouldn’t try that on certain people because he know better.

      1. Yeah I remember 50 Cent saying that, 50 was a boxer when he was younger so he know how to hit. I’m sure some of the viewers on this site would be the same way as me about that.

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