The Boondocks – “It’s Goin’ Down” [Video]

Here we go, the last episode for this season of The Boondocks (Maybe the last episode of the series). As season finales go, it was okay. I’ll applaud The Boondocks writers for cramming spoofs of the TV show 24, iPhone jokes, The Real Housewives Of Compton, nut kicking used as torture, a women being tied to a rocket, and (My favorite) Uncle Ruckus suplexing a security guard, all in one episode.

So is this the finale of The Boondocks series? Who knows?


  1. Agreed, this episode as a season finale was average at best. Overall I think season 3 had its moments, but it was nowhere near as good or funny as seasons 1 and 2. Personally I don’t think this is the last we’ve seen of The Boondocks as it’s “rumored” to be. Hopefully they step things up with season 4. Honestly I think they should take some time off with the show and come back stronger with a new season similar to what Kanye did for his next album. The humor in this season lost its edge compared to earlier seasons, and I think that’s because as viewers we’re used to The Boondocks now and it isn’t seen as “fresh” or “different” like it was when it first aired. They should make viewers wait for the next season and take time to refresh the show with better material and storylines. There are plenty that they could use for the basis of new episodes like: the Tiger Woods incident, the Chris Brown/Rihanna incident, Rappers going to jail, homewreckers (Alicia Keys, Fantasia), etc. Regardless I’m still a supporter of The Boondocks ’til the end… Riley For President!

    SN: Both The Boondocks and The Simpsons aired episodes based of the 24 television show today. Coincidence?

    1. Take a break? They were gone for over 2 years! If that didn’t spark their creative juices then idk what will. While I thought season 3 was the worst season it was still very good and had some episodes like The Fundraiser or Fried Chicken Flu that were as good as any classic Boondocks episodes. As as a season finale this is pretty good, as a series finale its’s crappy so I’m assuming this isn’t the series finale, Aaron Mcgruder has more sense that..

  2. Personally I dug the finale. It worked well as a season finale, and it’s passable as a series finale (“You can’t fight the future”…was that a subliminal shot at Sony?).

    The callbacks to Season 1 were a reward for fans down with the show since day one (I’ve always said the ‘Docks has the best in-series continuity this side of JLU or The Venture Brothers).

    I think Season 3 as a whole (comedy, animation, satire) was the most coherent, but Season 2 still had the best individual episodes.

    I hope they’ll be back (apparently they’re crushing Family Guy in the adult swim’s ratings), but if not it’s been a fun ride.

  3. This season was easily the best yall trippin. Yall forget that some of the other seasons hads tons of misses. And yall being to simple about this the Boondocks isnt all about comedy they also try to make political points. Something like this is how I expected them 2 end the season, and I was ok with this. Honestly i felt like they could have went harder but overall I think it was good. They couldnt have ended their season on a Thugnificent episode or a “nigga” episode if you know what im sayin.

  4. I never watched any of the other seasons, but I must say that this was very entertaining. It had more hits than misses, so I have to call this a WIN!

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