DMF of the Week: Gucci Mane Gets A New Face Tattoo

Ladies and gentlemen, proudly announces the first Dumb Motherf*&#er of the Week for 2011. Gucci Mane. But who are we to say a rapper can’t get a ice cream cone tattooed on his face? Stoopid.

Source: Crunktastical

  1. *sigh* he obviously lost his damn mind.
    This what that fame drug does to you.
    It makes rappers ink dumb shit allover their faces, it makes pop people wear meat dresses.
    only 2 choices with superfame, Prison of Betty Ford Center.

    he out and still not free. DMF.

  2. this will help out his claim that he isn’t able to understand the charges against him because clearly ANYONE in their right state of mind wouldn’t have done this.

    1. ^^^the honesty in your disappointment made me laugh out loud^^^

      He got a permanent 3-balled dick an inch from his mouth. *shake my fucking head*
      Just imagine how bad the cover-up tat is gunna be…

      1. Haha honestly I was just bigging up Gucci to some of my friends who don’t listen to hip-hop over Christmas, now they are gonna be like “Oh the dude with the enormous face tat?”.

        I thought Mike Tyson was crazy, but dude here is bananas.

        1. “friends who dont listen to Hip-Hop”
          do people like that actually exist? I thought we’d converted the world, lol
          send em the ‘Fro way, we’ll get em right

          last thought on Gucci: in the last pic, you can already read the regret in his eyes *snicker*
          we should start a pool for how long it’ll take before a picture pops up of a groupie licking his face

        1. lmfao

          I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought the shit was phallic as all get out.

          Jerm is right tho, what better way to prove you’re “not mentally competent” than to get a dick tatted on yer cheek? now anybody lookin’ at him’ll go “oh yea, well hes obviously a nutcase”, so maybe in a way its some kinda backwards brilliance…

    1. you bein forreal? what of?

      I wanna get one too, but mines a joke.
      I wanna get a tat of a “beauty mark”/mole somewhere on my face, and once I’ve been working somewhere for years where they’d never hire someone with face tattoos, I go “well you hired me and I’ve got a face tattoo” and point it out to em

      a little life inside joke with myself. cause I roll weird like that.

  3. Still to this day I don’t see how people are really a Gucci Mane fan and his sales definitely don’t show the support from his beloved fans. Dude isn’t no where near articulate. *I can’t lie I did like that “Volume” song and “Trap House” song*

    He can’t rap to save mankind. This has to be the Epic Fail of a lifetime beyond a week. Him and Birdman definitely run neck and neck on the tat thing, I co-sign with DJ LP 100%

    People need to realize that rap money definitely don’t last long and I hope he save his money and invest! I’ll hate to see dude in the next 10 years if he don’t be more smarter with decisions. No real company is going to hire a dude with a tat on their face like that. Sad thing is that kids nowadays emulate that mess and think thats how you suppose to be in life. Don’t get me wrong I love tats and I think they are the bomb (I love women that wear tats) but on the face is a different story especially being in a business setting and especially some dumb shit such as a ice cream cone.

    Dude have to have some type of mental issue to even go along with putting this on his face. At the end of the day it is Gucci’s money and decision so he is going to do what he want to do regardless if it make him look like a clown.

  4. Verb’s Mom: “Did you hear that some rapper got an Ice Cream Cone tattooed on his face?”
    Verb: *shocked* “well yeah, but where’d you hear that?”
    Verb’s Mom: “They were discussing it at [Website Verb’s Mom Frequents]”
    Verb: *laughing* “really? so what’d you think of the tattoo?”
    Verb’s Mom: *makes a sour face* “Honestly….it sort of resembled…a penis”
    Verb: *dies laughing*

    ^actually happened^

    Looks like Gucci is reaching a whole new audience with this move.
    He even got the old ladies talking, lol

  5. On a side note, why does he look like he is going under the knife in the second picture? I know tats hurt, but damn they give out anesthetics before you get tats now?

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