Why You Should Listen To: Curren$y [MixEP]

So the last piece I wrote was on Spitta, and I gave y’all his underground discography. Well our own Verbose told me that the amount of music I gave was overwhelming. He suggested I give you guys a MixEp like H20 did for Charles Hamilton. I had no problem doing this. The hardest thing was picking the songs really. Anyway here is some of Curren$y the Hot Spitta’s best work (in my opinion). Check it out!

1. Title Track (Fear And Loathing In New Orleans)
2. Serious Freestyle (Welcome Back)
3. Audio Dope (Smokee Robinson)
4. I Did It Myself (Super Tecmo Bowl)
5. She On My Mind (Independence Day)
6. Smoke-N-Maintain (Life At 30,000 Feet)
7. Another Story To Tell (Welcome To The Winner’s Circle)
8. Galaxy Rap (Life At 30,000 Feet)
9. Can I Have it Like this (G Series Vol. 1)
10. The Explanation (Fin…)

Download: Why You Should Listen To: Curren$y [MixEP]

  1. I was waitin for this to get the official post here before I gave it a spin so I could listen to it with errbody else. I’m gunna load this in my IPod and go shovel some snow. I’ll let you know what I think later today DuBz. so far youre 1 of only 3 (4 if you include me) cats with the balls to step up to the challenge.

    btw, dope cover Easy. the B+W makes the color pop nicely

    1. Damn Lp. If it sucks so much why don’t you make one? As a matter of fact I challenge you to make one and stop bitchin about everyone elses MixEps.

      1. yeah, I second that challenge.

        if its so easy to condense an artists catalog into the 10 best that will turn the most people on to whoever, then you bust one out LP

        everybodys so quick to shit on each other like people aren’t actually using their free, unpaid time to contribute to something here

        and I bet I know what the response’ll be…

      2. I never said anything about it sucking nor was I criticizing you on your MixEp skill. I just don’t like Curren$y. Get your shit right.

        So just cuz I’m passing on a listen I’m shitting on ya’ll? Oh I don’t like Curren$y so I must be hating and shitting on DuB. FOH with that logic

        1. if its really just some misunderstanding, then why you acting so cunty?

          the fact of the matter is, making a point to say “pass” (and not even “hey good job, but its not my thing”) is like sticking your head into a restaurant and shouting “I’m not gunna eat here!”, or walking by a painter and telling him “I’m not going to buy your art”. who the fuck cares if you’re NOT gunna listen? how is DuB (or anyone else) s’posed to use that information?
          save that negativity for when we’re reviewing retail albums, not when we’re makin’ sampler mixes for each other to pass around our little community.

          I’ll admit tho, what I WASN’T betting on was you bitching out of a challenge so quickly.
          I thought you’d rise to the occasion, not tuck your tail and hiss.

          1. So what I can’t have an opinion on a certain artist. I’ve said ill pass on all things curren$y no matter who wrote the article. And since when have niggas been catching feelings just because someone said “pass”. You don’t see Jerm crying when I throw my little shots at him for fun

            And since when am I bitching out on a challenge? No where in that comment did I say I was gonna or not gonna do it. So y’all need to quit putting fucking words in my mouth. Just because I don’t want to do something makes me a bitch? Yeah great logic in that reasoning. FOH

          2. y’know, someone from the Nappy Universe talked some sense into me and told me I went a little overboard and maybe I was too insulting.

            so if I was LP, then thats my bad. but I just thought we were bustin’ chops, I wasnt seriously trying to offend anyone.

          3. @Verbose I wasn’t offended, I don’t mind shots but don’t expect me not to reply when a war is brewing. There is a big difference, but its whatever.

            @DuB expect two EP’s within the next couple days since reasoning is whining all of a sudden

  2. For years I’ve been warning y’all at the Fro to not sleep on Curren$y, finally startin to catch on. Another good post about my dude….nice work DuB

  3. Good job DuB, I always thought Currensy was good lyrically but I don’t lik his voice, I’ll DL
    This and give him a chance though.

    How do u make a MixEp? I’d like to make one for Wale

          1. I just read your email Verb, since you took a minute to respond and I was getting restless I went to DuB for help but your plan should make this thing look more official so I will take down the link in the forums and send you link and stuff.

  4. After a night listening to this mix I can safely say that Curren$y is better than I thought, you’ve made a fan out of me, good job DuB

  5. great looking out DuB as i said before. this and the pilot talk 2 review made me finally give dude a listen. great artist. btw im makeing a brotha lynch mix ep so how do i get that shit started? i already got the tracks in a folder.

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