VH1’s “Love & Hip Hop” Trailer

Looks like everyone wants to cash in on the success of the Real Housewives or Basketball Wives or whatever them shows are. Now VH1 throws their hat back in the ring and mixes it with Hip-Hop to give you Love & Hip-Hop. It features the girlfriends/babymamas/ex wives of current rappers as well as females trying to get in the game (or back in it as is Olivia’s case). I have to say that I will watch it (just because it’s Hip-Hop related) but I usually don’t make a habit of watching VH1 unless Flavor Flav is doing another reality show. Looks interesting, but will it be enough to keep MEN watching? Who knows…check out the trailer and tell me what you think!

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. This is so generic now its not even funny and look so scripted like WWE. How many more shows like this we need to have on air? I’ll probably watch a episode or two just to see but it really do look corny. Then again that is whats paying right now since music isn’t and if I was asked to do a reality show my answer is “Hell yea I would even though it is played out!”.

  2. I’m not a fan, but yet I do watch the show, guess it is one of my guilty pleasures, but yet there is nothing really pleasurable about women degrading themselves all for the sake of a dollar. I mean how much is VH1 offering to sale one’s soul to the devil now days? And what happened to, “what happens in the house stays in the house?”
    Emily stated that everyone knows she and Fabulous have a child, well I didn’t. Having a child is not a contract of marriage; it just means you put the cart before the horse. And she also goes on to state that Fabulous won’t leave her, why would he, when he is having is cake and eating? I mean really, why he would leave, when he’s already gone – no one knows he’s there! She continues to be disrespected all for the sake of having the title of being “Fabulous’ baby momma.” Well, what will she do when there is another “baby’s momma?” But I guess this is her rags to riches story, so who am I to rain on her parade – live your life boo boo. Bottom line, a man will only treat you in the manner in which you allow him. Just exhibit some class, and stop all your damn crying, as you get no sympathy or pity here, just a look of exasperation and thinking, “what a dumb ass bitch.” If she were smart, she’d woman up, stack her chips, and dip. And could someone please tell me this, if she’s such a stylist to the stars, why is she not stylish? I’m just saying. Emily needs to understand, she has a 12 year-old daughter who may grow up to be just like her, scary.
    Chrissy, I’ve read various blogs about her, some good (those must from her home girls), but most bad. I mean they say things that this chick is so scandalous, and a neighborhood hood rat, that she use to set up niccas, and even got her fronts busted – their words, not mine’s. Now I can believe she got her teeth knocked out, just look at them it looks like she’s wearing veneers. Okay so she’s Jim Jones, girlfriend – and? What does that mean? She’s your average C- chick, and he’s your D- rapper. It isn’t like he’s rich, well hood rich, if that counts. But for pete sakes the man walks around with a salary in his pocket, who does that?! I saw his wad of cash the last show and I was thinking to myself, “that’s enough money for a down payment to get his mother out of her starter home.” The rich don’t carry cash, they carry credit cards. After all, even poorest know that the dollar has no relevance, only credit. But, did you check out the last show when Chrissy asked about holding his money, he stated, “I’d put in on the highway first.” Damn, no trust, no us. Okay so she’s a jump off on the come up, no one can fault her for that. What is her occupation? Hell, go to school, get a degree, and for heaven sakes, keep your man’s braids fresh, he looks like he’s high all the time. And trust and believe Chrissy isn’t the only one Jim is fucking. He fucks high, no lie, you know this. Fucking in foreign rides, outside, its like show biz! And to think she’d ask Jim to marry her, well sweetie that just means he doesn’t. I man knows what he wants and if he likes it, “he’ll put a ring on it.”
    Somaya, okay I’m wondering what she gave up if she’s now sleeping in the attic on a mattress in a studio. She’s an attic away from being homeless. I think she’s gorgeous and stands a better chance of landing a baller than rapping. She really needs to reevaluate her career choice. Hell, maybe even do some porn, hell, I’d buy the DVD, and I’m a woman, LOL.
    Olivia, well that fact I have not comment, concludes she’s a “None factor bit**.”
    So what do I think of the show? I think its people like me why white society to continue to exploit blacks (women) allowing them to negatively portray themselves. But then again, aren’t these women negative to begin with? But what shows like this do for me, it empowers me to be better, and be thankful that I’m nothing like them. The devil can’t have my soul, it belongs to God!


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