NBA Midway Progress Reports

I initially wanted to do a post from the beginning of the season, and do a weekly post all surrounded by NBA action. Well that didn’t happen, because well life happens. Still, with the season approximately 50 percent of the way done, I think it is a great time to give y’all a small report on how each team is doing. With that being said, I will introduce you to 31 Flavorz, aka my Wife. This column was just as much her idea as mine.

Eastern Conference

• Boston Celtics
DuB: Boston is coming off of a year where the whole team dynamic was altered with the trade that sent Kendrick Perkins to OKC for nothing more than a talented player who doesn’t help with any of their needs (who they have lost for the season). Now so many teams have come out and are ready to play and Boston doesn’t seem like they can keep up. Grade: C
31 Flavorz: I’m still on the KG train, even though he looks old. I just can’t through in the towel yet. Grade: C
• New Jersey Nets
DuB: Name their starting five. Name 4 of their starters. Name 5 players on this team who would be covvetted by another team. This team is going nowhere (unless they pull off a trade for Dwight Howard). Grade :F
31 Flavorz: *Blank Stare*…… Grade: F
• New York Knicks
DuB: Although I am a fan of Jeremy Lin, and I aplaud the addition of J.R. Smith, this team has some serious issues. Some of it may be able to be fixed once Melo gets healthy. This team will be interesting once the entire team is at D’antoni’s use. Grade: C
31 Flavorz: Can’t wait to see Jeremy Lin and Carmelo play together, but so far they have sucked. Grade: F
• Philadelphia 76ers
DuB: I love this team. Although they don’t have a “Star” they fully believe they can beat anyone. They are deep and trust eachother. they won’t win much until they aquire or develop a great player, but I wouldn’t want to see them in the first round either. Grade B+
31 Flavorz: Andrea Iguidola can’t be a franchise player, he needs to go! Grade:C
• Toronto Raptors
DuB: I’m not a big fan of contracting NBA teams, but this one needs to go. They don’t defend or rebound and their offense sucks too. Grade: F
31 Flavorz: No Vince! why watch? Grade: F

• Chicago Bulls
DuB: When I saw Derrick Rose was going to have a few games riding the pine, I thought they were going to be in trouble. They have gone out and won regardless of who they have had available. This is the one team in the East who may be able to challenge the Heat. Grade: A-
31 Flavorz: The Baby Bulls are showing glimpses of excitement and maturity. Grade: B+
• Cleveland Cavaliers
DuB: Kyrie Irving may be the best rookie, but being in Cleveland means he probably means he won’t win anything until he leaves. Grade: D-
31 Flavorz: No King James, no threat. Grade: F
• Detroit Pistons
DuB: The trade the Pistons made for Allen Iverson was the beginning of their downfall, and until they either get a legit team together they will only look like a JV team. Grade: F+
31 Flavorz: Who Cares? Grade: F
• Indiana Pacers
DuB: Picking up David West was a great move! With their depth and young guys developing, they may be one of the best teams in the East within two seasons. Grade: B
31 Flavorz: Good record, but I just don’t believe! Grade: C
• Milwaukee Bucks
DuB: Yawn Fest! Sometimes when you are a team that isn’t good, you can at least be considered on the cusp or exciting. Not these guys! If a player is getting traded to the Bucks, they will not be having fun for awhile. Grade F (No one fears the Deer)
31 Flavorz: Get the Buck out of here. Grade: F

• Atlanta Hawks
DuB: Bad contracts can keep a team from getting better. The Hawks are a perfect example of this. Joe Johnson is a great player, but he makes more than D Wade and LeBron. This will keep them competitive, but they will never be a contender. Still with all of the injuries they find ways to win. Grade: B-
31 Flavorz: Josh Smith got game, but they can’t get rid of the injury bug. Grade:C
• Charlotte Bobcats
DuB: MJ, I love you, but you need to loose your job. This is the absolute worst roster in the NBA. Grade F-
31 Flavorz: Never been good! Grade: F
• Miami Heat
DuB: Although I have been a big LeBron critic, I have to admitt he has improved his game incredibly this year. This is my pick to win it all (if LeBron doesn’t shrink in the big moment). SW is a huge LBJ fan, but this team is finally as good as people thought they were last year. Grade: A+
31 Flavorz: Most overrated threesome to ever be assembled. Can they come through in the clutch? I don’t know. Regular season means nothing. Grade: B-
• Orlando Magic
DuB: Yeah there good, but until they figure out what happens with Dwight Howard, they can’t truly contend. Grade: C
31 Flavorz: Even with Dwight Howard having one foot out the door, they are a top team. Grade: C
• Washington Wizards
DuB: John Wall is the truth! The rest of this team are either old cats or young cats with only potential on their resume. Grade D-
31 Flavorz: Wizards with no Magic? A washed up MJ is still better than any player on this roster. Grade: F

Western Conference

• Dallas Mavericks
DuB: The defending champs aren’t looking too invincible. Dirk looks old, Lamar looks confused, and without Tyson Chandler the middle looks wide open. Still I can’t count them out. Grade: C+
31 Flavorz: They ain’t what they were last year, but they working with what they got. Grade: B
• Houston Rockets
DuB: This team would be great if they had a player who could create his own shot, or create for others. Imagine OKC without Russel Westbrook and Kevin Durant. A great rebounding team with athletes, and hard hat players. Grade: C+
31 Flavorz: There rebuilding, but there winning. Grade C
• Memphis Grizzlies
DuB: I was worried that after last years surprise run they would fall off this year. It almost seemed like this was going to happen with all of the injuries, but surprisingly they have fought and stayed in striking distance of the playoffs so far. Rudy Gay is playing like an All star too. Grade: B+
31 Flavorz: Don’t watch them that much but their record deserves a decent grade. Grade C
• New Orleans Hornets
DuB: Chris Paul, my nigga gone! That is exactly what the fans of the Hornets are crying. This team is terrible at best. Grade: F
31 Flavorz: Paul gone so the Hornets lost their stinger, and give the commissioner the middle finger. Grade: F
• San Antonio Spurs
DuB: I hate how long the Spurs have been able to stay relevant in the West. Still I have to respect how well they are coached and the dedication their “Big 3” have. Grade: A-
31 Flavorz: Good veteran team, but I think by the end of the year they will be worn down. Grade: B-

• Denver Nuggets
DuB: This is the West Coast version of the 76ers. They don’t really have a star player, but they do have a top ten player at every postion. Grade B
31 Flavorz: False Gold! Can’t win the gold or get close. Grade D+
• Minnesota Timberwolves
DuB: Ricky Rubio is one of my favorite rookies. Yes, Kyrie Irving is the best but Rubio is the most exciting. He and Kevin Love have this team in contention for a playoff spot. Grade: B+
31 Flavorz: Lets stay tuned! I Don’t watch this team.Still they don’t suck as bad as last year. Grade: B-
• Portland Trail Blazers
DuB: Lamarcus Aldridge is a beast, but imagine if the injuries didn’t happen to them. They would have the aforementioned Aldridge teamed up with Brandon Roy, and Greg Oden. That could be a championship team, but sadly enough it is not. If I could I would grade this team a U for unlucky. still they play hard and will probably make the playoffs. Grade: B
31 Flavorz: Too many injuries to give them more than a solid grade. Grade: C
• Oklahoma City Thunder
DuB: This is by all acounts the best team in the West. Still the fact that Russell Westbrook forgets about Durant at times scares me. He will have to grow as a player if they are to challenge the Heat for the title. Grade: A-
31 Flavorz: My boys right here, I’m hoping they win the West. Love watching them play. Grade A-
• Utah Jazz
DuB: They have shocked me and actually played welll so far. They are solid but not great. Grade: C
31 Flavorz: Are going to make it or not? Ain’t no Jazz in Utah! Grade: D-

• Golden State Warriors
DuB: This roster is completely messed up. I don’t think that Ellis and Curry can play together at all. I hate to be the one to say this, but the Warriors really messed up letting Jeremy Lin go. If they kept Lin and traded Curry they could have corrected some of the rosters deficiancies. Grade: C-
31 Flavorz: Who do they have? Grade: F
• Los Angeles Clippers
DuB: If OKC doesn’t win the West, this team will. The addition of Chris Paul has done wonders for this team. This team has become very balanced and even with the loss of Chauncey Billups, this team is a real contender. Grade: A
31 Flavorz: I’m clip to Lobb city. Grade A-
• Los Angeles Lakers
DuB: How far the top dawg has fallen. The Lakers look old and tired. I don’t even know if Pau Gasol is a legitimate second option anymore. This team is on the downslope of their run. Grade: C-
31 Flavorz: Kobe is toxic, and before they move on they got to get rid of Kobe’s wack ass. Grade: D-
DuB Sideline- she is the biggest Laker hater I have ever met. She is still sour that in 01 AI got his ass kicked by the Lakers.
• Phoenix Suns
DuB: Please trade Steve Nash. This team is going nowhere fast, and Nash could possibly win somewhere else. Grade D
31 Flavorz: Having the best passing point guard who doesn’t work when he doesn’t have any one to pass it to. Grade: D
• Sacramento Kings
DuB: Plenty of young talent, but no real balance. They need some savvy veterans before they take the next step. Grade: C
31 Flavorz: Cant wait to see this team win again. Grade: D

Sidenote: These niggas keep talking NBA on the FROCAST when DuB obviously knows the NBA better than anyone else in Fro Nation.

  1. Whoever 32 flavors is ….they have no idea what they are talkin about and obviously haven’t been watching that many NBA games. whoever Dub is was on point for the most thing is this how do u give the T-wolves a higher grade than the Nuggets who are number 1 in the league for points scored. Last but not least i think Orlando, Philly, and Indiana deserve better mid-season grades they are the third, fourth , and fifth best teams in the east right now thats gotta count for something right? 

    1. “in the east right now”!

      That says it all right there! If they were in the West they probably would not be in the Plaoff hunt!

      1. Lol y’all gotta stop discounting the division they are in, that’s who they play is the teams they gotta play. You dismissing what they’ve done on the court to say it wouldn’t matter for some shit that will never happen makes no since. That’s like saying Tyson was dope, but if he boxed at a lower weight, he’d be nothing. Who cares what they’d do in the west, they aren’t IN the west. They play who they are playing. If you want to talk about the stats then bring those up universally, but the record they have and the position they have is just that.

        1. You have to take into consideration the conference they are in. If the 5th best team in the east was in the West last year their record would not have been good enough to be in the playoffs! Outside of two teams the East is a JV league compared to the West!

          1. But by saying if they were in the west, you’re just saying the final record transferring over. You’re not talking about match-ups they’d have. You’re not talking about the actual games, you’re talking about the overall record. It’s a weak argument. You play who you play, the Uconn womens undefeated teams were amazing, but if they’d play in the NBA, they’d be lucky to win 2 games back to back. So I guess that means they wasn’t shit? You play who you play and if you beat the teams you play, who cares about what’d you’d do against the teams you’ll never play?

          2. True but if they were in the West their record would not be as good! Miami is considered the best team in the league right? Well the Grizzlies are a lot closer to The Heat than the Pacers are. The Grizzlies are number 9 in the West right now and the Pacers are 3 in the East!

            East= JV

          3. …the east has 36 championships to the wests 26? outside of that, it’s all speculation. How the hell you skip all the way down to the Pacers anyway? Not only that, the Grizzlies are number 7 in the West and the Pacers are number 5. Like, what the hell are we even talkin about here.  lol this shit is convoluted as hell. Unless they are playing them cats, you can’t just say they’d lose and end up with the same record they have in a different conference. lol

          4. You can’t look at the talent and tell which team is better? You Know the Heat are better than the Bobcats even if they don’t play each other!

            Historically yes the East has more championships, but we are talking about right now! Outside of the Heat and Bulls there isn’t one Eastern team that can beat a Western playoff team in a series, period!

          5.  You don’t know who will win until they play the games. That’ swhy it’s not played in paper, it’s played on the court. The heat lost to the Bucks. You tryna tell me the Bucks are a better team? Shit happens.

          6.  and my point is, that’s all speculation. You’re dismissing what IS actively happening i.e. Pacers in 5th place in the East, to say that they wouldn’t make the playoffs in the West…if they were there. It’s fruitless. All we can go by it what IS happening, Lets speculate on how good the Lakers would be WITH paul, or how dope the Bulls would be with Howard. I just don’t like those “if we were there” arguments.

          7. Ok I will take it a Step further then. There is not one team in the East that legitametly can win a championship as currently constructed outside of Miami and Chicago!

            At least four teams in the West have a legitimate shot if they can stay healthy

  2. It’s cool you got your wife on here, but I def don’t agree with some of her grades.
    31 Flavorz: Most overrated threesome to ever be assembled. Can they come
    through in the clutch? I don’t know. Regular season means nothing.
    Grade: B-
    Um, they made it to the finals the first season together and have the best record this regular season. Yet this same regular season shows his Lob City squad with 11 losses and they are a A-?

    31 Flavorz: I’m clip to Lobb city. Grade A-
    (on Dallas) 31 Flavorz: They ain’t what they were last year, but they working with what they got. Grade: B

    SO with a regular season that means nothing, and the Heat are overrated but have a finals appearance, we get a higher grade for a Clippers team that doesn’t have a finals on the resume NOR do they have the current best record in the game and they are rated higher than the Mavs….the DEFENDING CHAMPION MAVS? So regular season means nothing, ring from last season means nothing, best record means nothing, what the hell matters?

      1.  I don’t know HOW I missed that part. Get rid of Kobe? LMAO. Kobe will ONLY be traded if the Lakers can get Howard, Melo, AND either Wade or LBJ. He’s probably the only player in any sport that is untouchable.

        1. Yes he is played out!!! Now he want’s to be a team player and FINALLY speak up for them, Come on now!!! He should have done that back he had Shack and Phil Jackson!! It’s a little to late!

          1. Played out? He’s not a fad or a trend, he’s only arguably the best player in the league…and I’m not even a Kobe fan. He doesn’t have to stick up for teammates, he has to get on the court and win. He’s not named the Black Mamba because he’s a spokesperson, he’s named that because he’s ruthless. He spoke up NOT because of Pau, but because he wants to move the hell on so he knows who hes’ playin with. He really doesn’t care about Pau at all. So as much kudos as folks are givin him for steppin up for WEAK Gasol, it’s really just like the rest of his career, about him.

            As far as the played out thing goes, he’s leading the league in points, top 5 in minutes played, and is avg 8rbs a game. I don’t like the dude personally, but on the court, no way is he played out. That doesn’t even make sense.

          2. I think he is untouchable right now, but the Laker organization is renowned for trading their players right before they start regressing to get the highest possible value in return. Next year may be the year LA looks to move him

  3. Ok!!! To B-eazy (Who can’t R-E-A-D) It’s 31 Flavorz, now that’s out the way! I do wacth the games just as much as the next person!!! Now since the NBA has talent thought the league It’s kind hard to know who is going to win from one game to next!! It’s not like how it was back in 80’s. Soo get over it!! I said what I said you can Take It or Leave It!!!

  4. People thought LeBron was crazy a few years ago when he said the NBA needed contraction Raptors, Hornets,and Bobcats I would have said Cavs but Dan Gilbert would cry about it. How did the Clippers get an A when they are the most overrated team with the most overrated player.

    1. As overrated as you may feel the Clips are, the fact that they are a top team in the West solidifies the grade! They have an excellent front line and with Chris Paul and Randy Foye with Bledsoe and Mo Williams coming off the bench their backcourt is one of the best in the league even without Billups. The only weakness is the size of their wing Players.

      1.  All I know is that we can’t call anyone else overrated if we aren’t calling the Brand New No Post Season Experience Clippers overrated. That’s all I’m sayin.

      2.  Randy Foye doesn’t help anyone’s case. Besides I’d rather have the Spurs than the Clippers in a best of 7. It doesn’t matter about the best record think of the team that had the best record every year and they don’t even make it to the finals.

      1. Not move but I think they should put the basketball back in the closet and find something better else to do. Basketball was never IT for that state. Golden State Warriors always been garbage to me. I remember that old ass game I had on Super Nintendo “Bulls Vs Blazers” I never ever played with that team but when I played against them I use to beat their ass easily. The name itself just set them up for failure.

          1. Oops I didn’t mean State but that city of Oakland itself isn’t good for basketball. Oh god the Hawks! I’m from GA and I can’t stand the Hawks. When I went to their games at the Phillips Arena I went to support the opposite team and I had free tickets. Your boy wasn’t going to pay for no Hawks tickets. I remember years ago before they improved you use to find good deals on Hawks game and basically they was almost giving them away to fill in seats. 

          2.  You obviously don’t know squat about the NBA. Golden State has the BEST fans in the league. They are Top Ten in attendance EVERY year. Do you know how many players are from the Oakland area? Have you heard of a dude named Jeremy Lin? Even when they have sucked that arena was packed.  When the Warriors had Mullin, Hardaway, and Richmond…them boys were pretty good!

          3. And they are probably just a player away from making the playoffs. Steph Curry and Monte Ellis make up what has the potential to be the best backcourt in league in years.

          4. When Warriors had Chris Mullin, Tim Hardaway and Richmond that was a different time period and of course they had a squad then but after that they fell off for many years. They had more downs than ups. I don’t care about their attendance every year it don’t change the fact I hate the team. I never liked Golden State at all. Who haven’t heard of Jeremy Lin, dude been all over the damn news. It don’t matter about how many players come from Oakland… Golden State is one of the teams along with the Hornets, Bobcats and Hawks who I feel should just bounce from the league forever.

          5. Your far from right! The Warriors have a bright future and just back in 06 they were responsible for the biggest upset in NBA history! The fact that you don’t like them is far from a good reason to contract!

          6. Yeah they were in 06 but that was it. You guys really like Golden State for real? I bet none of you guys play with that team on NBA 2K or NBA Live or whatever NBA game series they had out. I’ll be awesome if I was part of the commission. I stand by that. Speaking of bright futures they done said that about a few teams and nothing changed….. You still have the regular [expected to win] teams such as Celtics, or Lakers or who ever winning  championships most of the time when you look over the past 10 years. Maybe Golden State will shock me but I highly doubt it

  5. I hate how the comments smush over there. Until one of these “contenders” in the west do something more than show “promise” I’ll dismiss them all. Bulls and Heat were in the conf finals. Lakers are the Lakers, damn near anytime they get on the court, they are the favorites. Dallas is the defending champs, and I may look at the Thunder. Outside of that, it’s all paper and speculation. 

    1. The loss of Chauncey Billups hurt them more than they thought it would. Hopefully after Nick Young gets a little more comfortable they will get back on track.

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