How Good Can Anthony Davis Be?

So with the NCAA tournament over, and the NBA regular season winding down, a lot of people are starting to set their sights towards the NBA draft in July. The name that everyone is excited about is Kentucky’s freshman phoenom, Anthony Davis. His stats won’t jump off of the page to you, but he has shown some real ability to control the paint, so in essence control the game.

Stats: 14.3 Points Per Game, 10 Rebounds Per Game, 1.0 Assists Per Game, 4.7 Blocks Per Game

The stats above aren’t really anything to get excited about, right? Wrong! The thing that is special about Davis isn’t how many points or rebounds he gets but how he gets them. At 6’10” (and growing) he is the most fundamentally sound college player we have seen since Tim Duncan. That speaks to his work ethic enormously, because three years ago he was a guard. I played ball in high school, and I couldn’t imagine going from learning how to run an offense, and playing on the perimeter to going inside to bang with the big boys. The fact that this is relatively new to him, and he looks like the best young prospect in the country would seemingly make him a legit #1 pick.

The thing that worries me about the youngster is the fact that he is small by NBA standards. NCAA says he is 6’10” so he is probably 6’8 ¾” or 6’9” according to the NBA measuring sticks. Remember everyone was saying that Michael Beasley was 6’10” and some reports even had him at 6’11” and he turned out to be 6’8”. If Davis is still growing though that’s not as big as a deal as his frame, he is similar to Durant in body structure. Trying to play the 5 in the NBA will not work with this size.

In actuality, I think that Davis will be a very good player, but not right away (If he comes out this year). He will probably be forced to play Power Forward in the league, which is probably beneficial to him. He does have the skill set to play inside, and be one of the best inside presences defensively in the league. Offensively however, he is a better fit to play on the perimeter. He may even be able to play a hybrid- Point Forward type of position in the league. That makes him deadly! Imagine if you have a player like Blake Griffin, Kevin Love, or even Tim Duncan having to guard this guy at the top of the key with the ball in his hand. He becomes a match up nightmare. If teams decide to try and put a perimeter player on him than there is a huge mismatch somewhere else on the floor.

He won’t be Shaq, Duncan, Kareem, or Wilt. He will be more of a Hybrid of one those players, and Scottie Pippen, or LeBron James. He will be able to dominate defensively in the paint, and run an offense with the ball in his hands. Before any of this happens though, he needs to gain some weight. Get stronger and he can be a franchise player.

  1. Yeah, he’ll be a KG style, PF with some time at SF. He’ll play C in a pinch but either way, there’s nothing to suggest that he won’t make an immediate impact. his size and skill make him extremely talented, but also extremely raw. I can imagine how insane his game would be with some coaching from the dream or someone who played smooth like that. Like I said on the frocast tho, screw that shit, he should go back to playing the point. At his size, he’s a nightmare for any opposing team. He’s long enough to shut down any 3’s and still make it back to grab the boards for any that try to shoot it anyway. His recovery and quickness means that if you manage to get by him on a screen or quick move, he’ll still end up adjusting your shot. If he stays in the gym and watching film….we may be looking at greatness….it’s possible.

    1. I think he will spend time at Point Foward! At the four I think he wil run the offense quite a bit.the reason he won’t run the Point Guard is because players like Russel Westbrook and Derrick rose will destroy him!!!

      1.  Eh, I don’t agree with that. We saw Lebron shut Rose down. I think AD may not be as quick but he’s double as long (pause) so that quick step would need to be steps to get passed him…and he IS quick so I don’t think they’d destroy him at all. Not only that, I’d be more worried about Rondo before t hose two because when you shut Rondo down shooting, he’ll toss 20 assists.

        1. I’m not just saying those Point Guards will hurt him, but all quick guards will. As big as he is, do you really think he can keep upTony Parker on the perimeter? That will hurt him more than anything.

          1. He’s tall, he used to play the same position. Plus what he lacks in speed (and I don’t think it’s much, did you see him stop that interior pass when it was tossed when he was at the 3pt line?) he makes up in length. It won’t be a jab step and past him, you will need STEPS to pass him. That combined with his own speed, yeah, he could handle that situations nicely.

          2. Maybe you are right, but leave him at the 4 and let him run the offense and he causes even more problems. Imagine Lamar Odom offensively and Dikembe defensively. That’s what he can be.

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