The Stoop: The 51st Grammy Awards (Nominees & Predictions)


Well, it looks like the Grammy Award nominations have come in, and it’s mostly what I expected: Weezy killed the shows nominations (8 by the way) and was the only rapper who got the Album of the Year nomination. That’s incredible. At this rate, Weezy will be last year’s Kanye at the awards. Ne-Yo getting an Album of the Year nomination was a good look too. It’s hard to imagine that 3 years ago no one knew who this guy was. However, both of them have tough competition. Actually, I take that back: Weezy has tough competition. Ne-Yo should clean up in the R&B category (If “Miss Independent” doesn’t win one award, I’ll be pissed).

After looking at the nominees, I feel like I know who will win, but even more so, I have my own opinion on who SHOULD win. And the Nominees are…

Best Rap Solo Performance
“Roc Boys (And the Winner is)…” – Jay-Z
“A Milli” – Lil’’ Wayne
“Paris, Tokyo” – Lupe Fiasco
“N.I.G.G.E.R. (The Slave and the Master)” – Nas
“Sexual Eruption” – Snoop Dogg

*And the Winner is…
Lil’ Wayne – “A Milli”: I think we knew this was coming; this song was all over the radio; it was ridiculous. The only song up there that got more airplay was “Sexual Eruption”, but I doubt people even remember that song anymore (I didn’t until I saw it was nominated). The first Lil’ Wayne victory of the night.

*Who will get robbed…

Nas – “N.I.G.G.E.R. (The Slave and the Master)”: It was in between “Roc Boys” and this for me, but Nas edges out Jay on this one because of the quality of the song that he put together. However, it won’t win mainly because it got no airplay. I can’t wait to hear the presenters say the title, that’ll provide some primetime entertainment.

Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group
“Royal Flush” – Big Boi featuring André 3000 & Raekwon
“Swagga Like Us” – Jay-Z & T.I. featuring Kanye West & Lil’’ Wayne
“Mr. Carter” – Lil’’ Wayne featuring Jay-Z
“Wish You Would” – Ludacris featuring T.I.
“Put On” – Young Jeezy featuring Kanye West

*And the Winner Is…
Jay-Z & T.I. featuring Kanye West & Lil’’ Wayne  – “Swagga Like Us”: Based on both airplay and the popularity of the sample. I’m actually not sure about this one; I’m fairly sure Weezy will take this one too, whether it’s “S.L.U.” or “Mr. Carter”. Second award of the night for Weezy.

*Who will get robbed…
Big Boi featuring André 3000 & Raekwon  – “Royal Flush”: Being a legend in the game just doesn’t mean much anymore, does it? I mean, check out the features on this! Not to mention that this definitely a great song. Oh well, better luck next time.

Best Rap/Sung Collaboration
“American Boy” – Estelle featuring Kanye West
“Low” – Flo Rida featuring T-Pain
“Green Light” – John Legend featuring Andre 3000
“Got Money” – Lil’’ Wayne featuring T-Pain
“Superstar” – Lupe Fiasco featuring Matthew Santos

*And The Winner Is…
Lupe Fiasco featuring Matthew Santos – “Superstar”: Yeah, that’s right; I’m betting that Lupe will beat out Kanye for this award. “American Boy” was an amazing track and blew up the charts, but I’ve got a feeling that Lupe will take this one. If he does, it will put Lupe and Matthew Santos on the map.

*Who will get robbed…
John Legend featuring Andre 3000 “Green Light”: I’m not saying Lupe doesn’t deserve to win the award, but “Green Light”’s funky tune and John Legend’s crooning over the track is simply infectious. This is definitely one of my most favorite tracks of the year.

Best Rap Song
“Lollipop” – D. Harrison, Lil’’ Wayne, J. Scheffer, Static Major, & R. Zamor, songwriters (Lil’ Wayne Featuring Static Major)
“Low” – Flo Rida, M. Humphrey, & T-Pain, songwriters (Flo Rida featuring T-Pain)
“Sexual Eruption” – S. Lovejoy, Snoop Dogg, & D. Stewart, songwriters (Snoop Dogg)
“Superstar” – Lupe Fiasco & Soundtrakk, songwriters (Lupe Fiasco featuring Matthew Santos)
“Swagga Like Us” – Jay-Z, Lil’ Wayne, T.I., & Kanye West, songwriters (Diplo, Topper Headon, Mick Jones, M.I.A., Paul Simonon & Joe Strummer, songwriters) (Jay-Z & T.I. featuring Kanye West & Lil’ Wayne)

*And The Winner Is…
Lil’ Wayne – “Lollipop”: It pains me to even write this, but yes, Weezy will win this award, this was undoubtedly the song of the summer, with “Whatever You Like” a close second. Weezy’s third award of the night.

*Who will get robbed…
Lupe Fiasco featuring Matthew Santos – “Superstar”: Looking at the nominees, this category is just plain sad. Lupe’s excellent collabo with Matthew Santos easily outshines everything else on the list.

Best Rap Album
American Gangster – Jay-Z
Tha Carter III – Lil’ Wayne
Lupe Fiasco’s The Cool – Lupe Fiasco
Untitled – Nas
Paper Trail – T.I.

*And The Winner Is…
Lil’ Wayne – Tha Carter III: We all expected this one. When you get nominated for the Album of the Year of the award and your the only person to nominated in your genre, your guaranteed this award. Straight up, I don’t agree with this at all, but at least it will quiet the Lil’ Wayne stans out there. Weezy’s fourth award of the night.

*Who will get robbed…
Nas – Untitled: Nas outshines everyone on this list. Jay-Z would’ve won this last year against Graduation, but I guess that’s the penalty of releasing your album in Q4. Same thing goes for Lupe, and T.I.’s album just doesn’t stack up the other stars on the list. Nas’ Untitled is probably the most intelligent release of the year and should win this award.

Bottom Line:
This will be a “Lil’ Wayne Grammy Awards” show in every aspect. He’ll win at least four awards when February rolls around. I knew this was coming. No matter how you shake it, 2008 was Lil’ Wayne’s year, hands down, whether you think he had the best album or not. While I’m not going to get pissed off that Nas, an undeniable legend in the game who hasn’t won one Grammy in his 14 year career will get snubbed by Weezy (OK, maybe a little…), I will say this: if Weezy wins the Album of the Year award over heavyweight contenders like Ne-Yo and, my favorite to win, Coldplay (Who will also clean up), he can lay claim to being the Best Rapper Alive, but I’ll have lost all respect for the Grammys.

  1. Forget Weezy for a sec for best rap album, i got a better question: who do you think deserves it more, Tip or Jay? (not a big Nas fan and besides NIGGER fried chicken and breathe i dont really bump the album). While its pretty much known Jay is my number one fave I’d give the award to Tip, unlike most I was a casual Tip fan before, to me dude made hot songs that kinda lacked in lyrics, and King was NOT a hot album. But he really stepped his game up to being one of my favorite out right now and having two of the hottest songs this year (whats up with no nomination for Live Your Life?? he def shoulda put that out in the summer) and for that he desreves some recognition

  2. For Best Rap Solo Artist it really makes me mad that due to mainstream media and airplay that its a fact that A Milli will win. Considering honestly that song’s lyrics were just average compared to Nas’s N.I.G.G.E.R. (The Slave and The Master). That song is one of the best songs I’ve heard all year.

    But I’ll agree with you on the whole idea about Weezy and Best Album of The Year. If we go by numbers sold alone then I mean I guess we can say he will win it. But if we go by the actual content then there is no way he should should win. I’m not a Weezy hater but Carter III is garbage.

  3. @ mufucka

    “… half of these critics can’t even stomach me, let alone stand me.”

    That sounded like the beginning of an Eminem line.

  4. Wait a minute, just because someone got massive airplay and sold plenty of records doesn’t mean they’re going to win a grammy…

    50 cent lost for hist first 2 cds…(and we all know he went 10x platinum and then sold a mill in a week)

    T.I. lost against Ludacris (KING sold a million more than release therapy and what you know had much more airplay than grew up a screw a screw up) He won for what you know but lost for album…

    (sorry i’m a T.I. stan and i just hope he wins all his categories, deserves it more than anybody, especially the album of the year, yeah Nas’s was good but i think Paper Trail was better.

  5. My Opinion.

    Best Rap Solo Preformance:
    Winner: Roc Boys (And The Winner Is) V.S Paris, Tokyo

    Roc Boys: I chose this song, because well, I’m a Jay-Z fan. Sue me for being bias, but this song is a great hrm, how we call it “swagger” song. I mean, it shows success, and it also shows power, and well, its also a catchy song. It basically just shows your a superior man right now, and your having quite a fun time. The instrumental helps matters too.

    Paris, Tokyo: This was one of the first songs on Lupes album I started to like. It has a nice jazzy, walk in the nighttime park scene feel (with your lady) and it really has Lupe feeling like he has A.D.D and drifts around the world with this song. The instrumental really hooked me, and also the lyrics, and even the hook was nice too.

    Best Rap Preformance By Duo Or Group:

    Winner: “Royal Flush”

    I mean, all of the other choices are good songs, but their not good enough to surpass a single with legends. And the beats and titles quite nice (although the beats a little lacking, but still)

    Best Rap/Sung Collab:

    Winner: American Boy (Feat. Kanye West) / Superstar (Feat. Matthew Santos)

    I’m surprised that Superstar got upon the list. I mean, Lupe isn’t a mainstream artist in general, but thats not the point. I mean, ok, I liked “Green Light” but I didn’t really like Andres verse (it was a bit weak, but eccentric as he is) and it was a weird song in general for me to listen to. Completely disregarding the other two mega mainstream choices,American Boy is a very soulful song. I mean, its got that mainstream feel, but its a good song in general. Kanye spits a nice verse and two, while Estelle (whos actually been in her singng for a long time, as I saw) croons majestically. Its also another nice, calm track that talks about love in the city. And also Superstar. Although the title isn’t original, take it for a listen, and you’ll see his point of view.

    Best Rap Song:

    Winner: Superstar (Feat. Matthew Santos)

    Well, who else is there to choose? For a real hiphop head, or someone who likes it in general, would you be caught dead choosing “Lollipop”? Well, Swagga Like Us comes in a decent second.

    Best Rap Album:

    Winner: American Gangster / The Cool
    Close Seconds: Untitled, Paper Trail.

    Now, this was one heck of a decision for me. Personally, I liked Lil Waynes and NaS’s albums, but both of them didn’t really click to me. I mean, NaS is indeed a legend, but sometimes his songs don’t click to my taste. Nothing to hate, but something that I want to share. Lil Waynes album, was also good, but again, his album was so mainstream, I just didn’t want to give him an award. T.I’s album, I got like 3 months ago, or before it came out, and I like it. I actually like “King” better for some reason (maybe not grammified) but, it had too many mainstraem songs, and “Whatever You Like” (decent song) and “Swagga Like Us” (Good song) it kind of ruined it for me. I mean, if it didn’t get hyped as much, I might’ve chosen this.

    Now, Lupe Fiascos album. I felt, Lupe really deserved this one (with Jay-Z) I mean, his eccentricity, and the songs I like in the album (From album order, not preference, “Go Go Gadget Flow” (repping song, but hook is catchy as hell … “I got my go go go go go go go go go gadget flow!), “The Coolest”, “Superstar”, “Paris, Tokyo,” “Hi – Definition”, “Gold Watch” (Hated With a passion at first, but now, its a great song for me) “Hip Hop Just Saved My Life”, “Intruder Alert”, “Gotta Eat”, “Dumb It Down” (Another great song I didn’t like at first, but this is a good banger, in the more subtle quiet sense), “Little Weapon”, “Fighters”) I mean, all of his songs have had an abstract meaning, and since he doesn’t get recognized till now (I mean before he did, but a bunch of rap heads I asked doesn’t listen to Lupe) Let him get the limelight fools! And Jay-Z, well I liked his album too, and me being a Jay-Z stan, I just gotta vote for him too, but he does deserve (ok he doesn’t really) but him not winning an album of the year as I remember (or did he? Black Album? Blueprint? I’m not sure, I didn’t listen to him that early, only recently I started to) but hes mega-mainstream. I mean, omega mainstream. Even people who don’t listen to rap know him.

  6. Whoa whoa whoa!!! If Ya’ll don’t think Nas’ Untitled is the best album of the year, ya’ll don’t know real hip-hop. All of the albums that got nominated for Album of The YearN(RAP) were amazing, simple and plain, but Untitled stand out of the crowd. Lupe and Jay-Z albums were good, but they simply aren’t relevant right now. T.I.’s album is not as good as Untitled, and C3…don’t get me started. Nas should win at least two of the grammys on the list.

  7. Also @ Pitbull

    Get off T.I.’s DICK!! No offense man, I feel most of what you say on this site, but I’m a Jay-Z stan and I still admit that Nas’ album is better just because it’s more relevant. Hell, even B-Easy thinks it’s a better album!

  8. @H20

    Haha yea i kno i jock ride T.I. extra hard, but hey everyone’s got their favorites. And believe me i admit when someone has a better album whether i’m a fan or not. Untitled was a great album, but it was nothing new from what Nas had done before IMO. Yeah he had a high amount of presidential material because of the election but that was pretty much it. His material always deals with the same topics. On Paper Trail T.I. changed it up and showed a side of him not seen before, his emotional side, which was excellent material because of the situation he’s in. The election brought out the best in Nas, T.I.’s life brought out some of his best work to date…you tell me who deserves a grammy.

  9. Yeah, but its not all about topics. Nas is just a better lyricist, and T.I. even wrote his shit down. T.I. proved to be a good lyricist, but I mean, it’s Nas man. T.I. i guess is better because of his topics, but Nas…argh, i dont know what to say, it’s Nas!!!

  10. hahah @H2O you always tell people to get off so and so’s dick well shit man get of Nas’ dick!!!! damn he aint thaaaat great

  11. @ 714

    Even if I don’t like NaS as much as other artists, NaS is a certified and approved legend. Any hip hop head will tell you that.

  12. @714
    Why would ya get off NaS’s dick when your guranteed some good lyrics…like DAMN! Did this nigga really say that!
    Nas has our fix

  13. hahah i aint sayin Nas isnt one of the greatest reappers ever cuz he is….im just sayin he aint as good as people make him out to be sometimes.

    The guy has great lyrics. This time around he just chose the wrong topic to rap about. Most people don’t want to hear politics.

  15. @LP

    That’s what i’m talkin bout! I agree Nas is a legend and his album is a great addition to hip hop in 08, but it’s just not what he should have done it about and definitely should not win the grammy for best album that’s all i’m saying.

  16. oh man. ima give it to you strait. best rap solo perf. should go to lupe for paris tokyo. Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group should go to royal flush or swagga like us and thats ok, u got 4(maybe 3.5 cuz of weezy lol) rappas spittin magma.Best Rap/Sung Collaboration
    should go to american boy or superstar or green lite 3stax verse wwas awesome.rap song- any but lollipop thats jus a slap to hip hops face.BEST ALBUUM HAS TO BE NIGGER-NAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! if not then the cool and if not that then papertrail!!!!!!!!!! tha carter III cant win this pppppppppleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

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