Drake – “The Winner”


The other day, me and King Jerm were talking about just how real (or not real) the the buzz on Drake is. Not to say he isn’t the hottest in the game right now; he is. But the expectations on this kid are tremendous. Then there are the questions: How good will his debut album Thank Me Later be? Was it a good idea signing with Cash Money? How much will he sell in his first week? After the “Best I Ever Had” video, how’s his female fan base? Matter of fact, after the BET Awards’ performance, how’s his fan base period? Did he give away too much with So Far Gone?

Oh yea, the song. This is the first leak off his upcoming album Thank Me Later. It’s produced by the Bizness. I got to hand to Drizzy; this is not bad at all. No singing here. Just him rapping. And about all the questions before? We’ll see later this year. The world will be watching.

Download: Drake – “The Winner”

    1. I’ve been told about late this year, November, October (That’d be cool, Octobers Very Own, get it? Whatever) Man, Drizzy’s been on his grind lately, and that’s respectable. I don’t think his female fan base really cared about the video personally, since I haven’t really been hearing any controversial buzz bout’ it (And it was a crappy video (besides the girls) anyways) I don’t think the BET awards changed his fan base by an “exorbitant” amount.

  1. am i the only one that doesnt think drake is thaaat hot? i admit he is talented and he has a song that i absolutely love (money 2 blow), but So Far Gone? more like Kanyes 808 heartbreaks Part 2

    1. @Slumdog Jamaican

      took the words smooth outta my mouth! i think the reason drake izz hot as he izz right now izz cuz he was able to pull off with So Far Gone what Kanye wasnt able to do with 808s, and thats find that balance between the tone and feel of the music while keepin it hip hop! Kanye for some reason thought he could put out some mellow Sade-type r&b music without the pipes to back it up and without rappin! Drake on the other hand got the pipes to back up So Far Gone and he got the bars to put on top of it and thats why he hot! lets jus hope he dont fall to the same fate of the last nigga who explained why he was hot a couple summers ago or all this writing will be for nothinng… lol

  2. It was a good idea to sign to young money. As much as it pains me to say it, Wayne probably has the largest fanbase right now (him or Kanye)and most people that like Wayne like Drake so I see Drake at least going gold in his first week.

  3. IMO i think Drake will sell because of his fanbase, but not from promotion from Cash Money. Yeah he might be Wayne’s protege but i don’t think Wayne wants the spotlight on some1 else besides him from Cash Money….just IMO.

      1. Well I’m all Weezied out and what is Drake but a fine tuned Weezy. The only Drake songs I have on my Ipod is Ignant Shit and the Uptown where Weezy sticks to the chorus along with a Drake assisted I’m Goin In

        Digging Slaughterhouse more then Drake right now…can ya blame?

        1. I understand you but I think Drake is more balanced, for every track he has where he stunts there’s a very introspective track. But I’m feeling slaughterhouse more 2.

  4. lol Greg Street (V103) just played this on the radio like a hour ago here in Atlanta nd niggas was goin nuts.

  5. I remember a LONG time ago ya’ll posted something about Drake. Ya’ll was on him back then. Now that he is so popular, I find myself falling back and trying to find the next new nigga. Too bad I didn’t even get and official album before the hype burnt me out on the nigga. no homo.

  6. i was expecting alot more……especially if this is an album cut……i think the label is gonna fuck him up and make him more like a fabolous…..i def hope not……..anyways that congratulations song shoulda been on the album…….let me know if u havent heard tht song because i think that is the best definition of drake at his best even to this date……………

    “i put the beat in my backpocket n jus sit/but you can never beat my ass..pause/ “congratulations”…….nuff sed

  7. Drake is a hype to me…sounds like wayne b writin a lot 4 him..think wayne jst got wit drake bcuz the popularity he had from drakes lil nikelodeon sho…not tha hotest rapper 2 me…sum BAY AREA rappers kill drake on tha mic…drakes hype will die out after his first album flops

    1. “That sound stupid to me”- Jay-Z
      Lil’ Wayne could NEVER write for Drake. Subject matter so dufferent, it makes me sick to know people think that. And who the fuck cares if he was on Degrassi? That aint gon build that nigga fanbase. If he was weak, he just woulda been weak.

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