Fro FM: Middleman, MAGoolies, and BeBe Boohgz

This week while going through the inbox I found a some pretty good music. I know how a lot of sites catch a lot of flack for not featuring the up and coming artists, but we are trying to change that over at the Fro. We still are going to bring you the main draws, but we are going to try to put you on to some cats you haven’t heard of either. This week we got a TRIPLE for you guys. Out of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida we have Middleman. Out of Philly we have MAGoolies, and out of New York we have BeBe Boohgz. Check out the music and leave a comment at the bottom to let us and the artist know what you feel about the music!

Middleman (check out his bio) – This is his song “Self Medication” that he produced himself..I like it and I’m sure Verbose is going to like this one (got some Screw in the hook) and the whole feel of the song. I can really vibe with this one right here. Perfect to “medicate” to..if you catch my drift. Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think. Check out Middleman’s Twitter & Facebook.

Download: Middleman – “Self Medication”

Next up we have MAGoolies out of Philadelphia, PA (peep their bio). The title of the track they sent in is “Ricki Lake”. Besides the title we share something else in common…we both used to work for a certain company that will remain nameless. First thing that caught me was the production on the track…shit go hard! The rhymes are not bad either, its like a blend of the South, North, and West…not the Snoop West tho…more like the new West. The group consists of members: Kid Kain, Xany Brainy, Irregular Joe, Bez Bane, Jusane P. Crooks, Rizzie Gambino. Give them a listen and leave a comment so they know what you think.

Download: MAGoolies – “Ricki Lake”

Finally, we have BeBe Boohgz out of NY. Born in Brooklyn, raised in Beacon, Arie Dixon had a typical life. Graduated college, ran track, all while being driven by Hip-Hop. Fast forward to present day..he just released a video for his song “Fuck the Other Side” which SCREAMS the angst that this generation loves. I can see this getting some major spins on the college campuses and getting the crowd really CRUNK. I really like the energy and the aggression on the track. Check out his bio and watch the video and let the artist know what you think about the song!

The People's Champ/Founder
    1. Yo keV from jersey haha good look bro. This is ur man Xany Brainy from the @Magooliegang. #bleSs

  1. 1st Track:
    “Verbose is going to like this one (got some Screw in the hook) and the whole feel of the song. ”
    gettin to know me pretty well huh son? yeah, this shit was real good. shout out to havin a pocket full of meditation.

    2nd Track:
    probably my least favorite, but only because of the beat. it was a little generic, soundin’ like that formulaic shit, which didnt really match the inventive lyrics to me. but the crew was dope. (is the name a reference to Ali-G guys? “me Joolie got ma Goolies fuh-real *snap, snap*” )and damn, do I miss Ricki Lake (she’s like the only super-phat betty I’ve had a big crush on. I woulda….ohhh, man….seein her give birth in that baby documentary did kinda kill that crush tho O.O). and Jenny Jones too. where’d they go? leavin’ us with that Springer garbage….but anyway.

    3rd Track:
    this was probably my favorite, the vibe on this was crazy. I was kinda hesitant cause of homies name (real talk, I almost skipped it. might wanna change it to B-Boohgz or somethin), but when King said “CRUNK” i thought “ok, this had better be crunk for real, otherwise I’m clownin and snappin’ his ass for using that word” (pause.) but he was on point. you cant listen to that and not think that “crunk” applies to it.
    only thing I didnt like was the video. this felt like the kinda track that needed a mob of goons jumpin’ around, or dude in a mosh pit of something. it was too hype for a stand-alone vid, to me. but thats a minor gripe. almost no music videos have been good since the 90s.

    man, we’ve been getting some dope shit recently huh?
    keep it comin yall, keep it comin’. and if we ever dont post something you’ve sent in, send it to me next ([email protected]) and maybe I’ll get at the rest of the staff like “y’all sleepin’ on this one, wtf?” either that or it doesn’t get posted and you really should just stop, lol. just be prepared, if you send in a full album/mixtape, to get a real review. we dont need another flame-fest breakin’ out over low scores again. (the Nation knows of what I speak)

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