Song of the Week: Devin The Dude feat. Snoop Dogg & André 3000 – “What A Job”

This Song of the Week was going to be Devin The Dude‘s “Doobie Ashtray”. And this is mainly due to me recently watching DJ Premier talk about the making of the song on his YouTube channel and because the song is really good. But like so many times before, I already wrote about that song many many years ago.

Either way, now that the holidays are over and we all had to go back to work, a good substitute Song of the Week would be Devin The Dude’s “What A Job” featuring Snoop Dogg & Andre 3000 (I also reviewed the album this song is from). And while my job isn’t nearly as cool as the rappers on this song, it’s cool to hear them all talk about rap as a profession. Play this track to get you through the first week back at work.