The Numbers Game: T.I. Still On Paper Trail


Even though T.I. got bumped down to the #3 spot this week by the likes of AC/DC & the cast of High School Musical, Paper Trail is still only less than 30,000 copies away from Platinum status (And seeing how he pushing around a 100k a week…). Not to take anything away from Clifford, I do think it helps him that no big Hip-Hop names have dropped anything in the last 4 weeks. Still, a “milli” in 5 weeks is no small task these days. What else? Let’s see: I thought about changing my name to Thelonious Funk (Hey, if Thic Flair Saul Wright did it, it must be cool!). We got a little political this week on nappyafro, much to my surprise (Hey, we do Hip-Hop. But it’s some smart and talented dudes on this staff; you can believe that slick! Shout out to SBK!). I can’t front on us being political; I guess it’s better than having ass shaking on the front page. I also found out we have a pimp on the staff; I’m not gonna say any names, but here a hint: H2O (Inside joke). See, this is what happens when I really don’t have anything to talk about in The Numbers Game; I ramble on. Well, enough of my foolishness; I’m tired of typing. Everybody stay safe. Peace. R.I.P. Tiffany Capers

#3 T.I./Paper Trail (Last Week: #2) – 93,427; Total: 971,076 (Gold) [4 Weeks]
#8 Ne-Yo/Year Of The Gentleman (Last Week: #8) – 30,711; Total: 521,453 (Gold) [6 Weeks]
#9 Jennifer Hudson/Jennifer Hudson (Last Week: #5) – 28,800; Total: 355,000 [4 Weeks]
#10 Lil’ Wayne/Tha Carter III (Last Week: #12) – 25,384; Total: 2,601,685 (2X Platinum) [20 Weeks]
#12 Rhianna/Good Girl Gone Bad (Last Week: #17) – 21,400; Total: 1,935,800 (Platinum) [73 Weeks]
#15 Young Jeezy/The Recession (Last Week: #14) – 20,962; Total: 561,561 (Gold) [8 Weeks]
#20 Jazmine Sullivan/Fearless (Last Week: #16) – 18,800; Total: 177,100 [5 Weeks]
#25 The Game/L.A.X. (Last Week: #21) – 16,451; Total: 531,853 (Gold) [9 Weeks]
#26 Robin Thicke/Something Else (Last Week: #11) – 16,200; Total: 218,100 [4 Weeks]

  1. t.i, weezy and jeezy are prolly the top 3 most relevant rappers rite now along w/ da loius vuitton don….t.i will sell a milli…..o and lil wayne is re-releasing tha carter 3….hes gonna call it tha carter 3 rebirth or sum shit like that….hes pulling another rihanna cept he sed its gonna hav all new material…..nothing from the existing c3…..sorry for bringing him into this post…hes not even in my top 10….nasty nas is tho lol

  2. That’s good to see that T.I. is still in the top 5 after 4 weeks in and is on the verge to go platinum. It’s was only due time before that was going to happen and he’s one of the few artists in the industry that deserve the status and recognition.

    Yeah I read about Lil Wayne re-releasing ‘Tha Carter III’ with new songs and material. He’s really trying to milk the C3 movement for all it’s worth and I understand that as it’s his biggest album sales to date. I probably will pick up a copy of it since I only purchase CDs and vinyl LPs and am officially done with purchasing music off iTunes (only TV shows and Music Videos). It’ll be interesting to see what new stuff he puts on it and if it will be anything worth really listening to.

    Good lookin’ on the shout out B, much appreciate it. I was surprised as well when KJ told me that my song was the Song of the Week and I actually saw it on the home page. Yeah we gotta get political sometimes especially when it’s an election this big and this important. Gotta put a pause on the ass shakin’ and gun talk for some real talk…Let’s get it next week…Nov 4th!!!!

    Naw I don’t think that T.I., Lil Wayne, Young Jeezy, and Kanye West are the most relevant rappers in the music industry right now. They’re probably the most popular…but not the most “relevant” in terms of the actual definition of the word. There are some way more relevant rappers in the industry than those 4 emcees in terms of those talking about real issues and stuff going on in the world.

  3. alright my baad theyre prolly the “hottest” emcees….

    @sbk……why are you done purchasing allyour music off itunes now?….the reason im askin is cuz i buy all my albums off itunes since this summer and its way easier…i use to jus buy the cd’s but i got lazy and went digital……i mean is it something that you like about cd’s better?….

  4. @ Boricua

    Don’t get me wrong, iTunes is #1 when it comes to making digital purchases for digital devices like iPods and iPhones, but I really do prefer the hard copy of a CD. Something that I can take with me in the ride and just listen to without having to use an iPod player through the lighter and carry along my iPod.

    I really enjoy reading the album liners of CD albums and learning about all the different producers, engineers, mixers, etc. that helped to put the project together. They don’t really offer that through iTunes and when they do try to provide the information it’s wrong at times.

    I guess you can call me old school but I prefer the physical form of a CD or vinyl LP compared to an AAC or MP3 file on my computer. The physical CD or vinyl LP is something that I can keep for a lifetime and not have to be worried about it getting deleted or lost if my computer crashes (then I would have to buy it all over again, boooooo!!!!).

    Yeah computers and technology is great and all (aside from the many flaws), but sometimes being old fashion is better in the long run. That’s just me.

  5. Also because a lot of artists and all music isn’t available on iTunes while you can believe it most definitely has been released on CD or vinyl without a doubt. Kid Rock & iTunes?…Nope!!!…My point exactly.

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