The Top 5 Things Wrong with ‘Justice League’

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2. Direction
Justice League is a film that suffers from the presence and absence of its director. Justice League, like Dawn of Justice and Man of Steel, was helmed by visionary director Zach Snyder. The one flaw these films have in common is Snyder’s inability to craft stories driven by its characters. Instead Zach Snyder puts the visuals as engaging as they are in the forefront and all other story elements are left to back up the visuals.

Uniquely, Justice League had two directors Snyder and Joss Whedon; The Avengers director was brought in after principal photography was finished on the film. Zach Snyder left the film after a family tragedy without doing reshoots and post production. Justice League suffered from Snyder’s absence though he is not the greatest director the project would have better benefited from Snyder seeing it through than Whedon coming in reworking thematic elements already laid.

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