The Game – “I’m So Wavy”


By now, you have probably heard The Game go at Jay-Z pretty hard in a freestyle in Madrid, Spain..if not, check out the video. The Game taking shots at Jigga isn’t a new thing, he does it from time to time, but ALWAYS takes it back after throwing a jab or two. So with this latest attack I am skeptical about drinking the kool-aid. Let’s face it, the Game can match bars with Jay. There is no question about that, if you deny it, you are lying to yourself. If Game would go at Jay with the same tenacity that he went at Bleek, Budden, Ja, and 50 with, he might can lay the old man down. The time is now, Jay is ripe for the picking. It is time for one of these new school cats challenge Jay and win. The Game might be the one to do it. The old guard must pass it on to the next generation.

My questions to Game: ARE YOU FOR REAL THIS TIME? By the time I post this I hope you have not  issued an apology and said that you was just playing to the crowd and didn’t really mean it. You did call out the man I’m expecting Jay to really have something for your ass in the next week or so. BE READY. Second question: WHY DO YOU DO MOST OF YOUR DISSES OVERSEAS? What’s up with that? You talking greasy in Europe, but when you get back stateside, you make it seem like you was just “messing around”. When you get back home, can we expect more disses?

So Game, if you are going to do it…GO ALL THE WAY IN. (PAUSE) Make history, this could be one of the best lyrical battles in a minute. Do it for all those that came before you but came up short. Do it for Jaz-O, who simply was upset because the dude he brought in the game became WAY more successful than him. Do it for Prodigy, while I know you and him aren’t like that anymore, but do it because he put pictures of a “gangsta” rapper in a ballerina suit. Do it for Nas, who was involved in a CLASSIC battle with Jigga,and (depending on who you ask) beat him and to turn around and kiss his ring like Superman did Lord Zod and WORK for him! Do it for Dame. No explanation needed on this one.

I would love to see these two go back and forth..could be EPIC, as long as The Game is serious and Jay takes the bait. WE SHALL SEE!

Download: The Game – “I’m So Wavy”

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. These are 2 of my favorite artists and i would hate to see them go at it…but here’s what i think would happen, again this is IMO if you think otherwise please let me know.

    Jay doesn’t want to be involved in a feud with anyone, he just wants to make music. Game has been baiting at Jay for a long time now and if Jay does respond, no matter how much better or wack his diss is compared to Game’s, people are going to crown him victorious since everyone knows he doesn’t want the feud to begin with.

    It’ll be Jay-Z in Nas’s shoes this time. The quiet one who fought back and won. People love the underdog!

  2. Jerm let’s just admit you’re a Hov hater already. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion after all

      1. Idk always seems like you’re the voice of dissent on every Jay post here, you may have all his albums but just doesn’t seem like you’re feeling him. So now the track dropped and, no bias, it ain’t all that good. I wasn’t feeling You gotta love it but that went in harder than this

  3. I’d be interested to hear this. Although The Game isn’t really the most top – notch (He’s good, but not amazing) lyrical ability, the amounts of times he’s taken lyrical shots at Jay-Z should surmount to something big eventually, eh?

  4. game has been getting at jay for years, but what makes this time different izz the fact that what he said in Madrid he cant take back now or else be labeled a bitch for the rest of his career! he already a light weight bitch for goin across the pond before saying something… if he really wanted to make a statement he shouldve stayed his ass in the states and say that shit!

  5. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jay doesn’t say anything to Game. Game has been baiting Jay since 2005. Its a no win situation for Jay. Either way he loses…..he’s too “big” for underdog status.

    I’m not sure where this “old” phenomenon is coming at and from in Hip-Hop? Hip-Hop is the only genre (imo) that wants to push its elder statesman to the side and out of the picture. Hip-Hop is just so disrespectful to its elders. I don’t recall Jay, Nas, Wu, Cube, Scarface, etc going at KRS-One, Rakim, and KGR when they were coming up.

    Take for example LL Cool J and Jay. LL has said mad things (some true…so out in left field) about Jay, but Jay didn’t respond to him other than a well calculated respectful retort. I remember reading Jay saying he respected what LL said, but disagreed with LL and something along the lines that he (Jay) has to respect LL’s longevity in the game (no pun intended) and left if at that. These new breed of rappers…not so much.

    Hip-Hop is kinda a microcosm of society at large.

    “The old guard must pass it on to the next generation.”
    I disagree with this. These new generation of emcees to me think that things will be handed to them. Hard work has to be put in to gain success.

    The new emcees that are putting in the leg work (touring, hitting radio, hitting the internet, etc) are winning and too me will be successful. That’s why I think Wale will be successful. He is using new school (internet) and old school (promo touring) tactics to get his buzz up. Same with Drake, Kid Cudi, Lupe, and some of the other new emcees (I’m probably missing some).

    That’s why Charles Hamilton (and I like him) is failing because he just wants to have everything microwaved and handed to him in 30 seconds or less.

    As a competitor to be the best you have to go through the best to take the crown. Not through quick results, but through hard work. Taking shots at someone isn’t going to get you there. That’s the reason artist like Nas, Jay, Cube, Dr. Dre, Em, Scarface, etc are still relevant because some of these new school rappers don’t know about hard work. These “old” guys are beating them at life right now. Life (Hip-Hop/Rap) is a Marathon and not a sprint.

    With all that said. I’m a Game supporter and def a Jay fan. Whatever comes out of it I hope it brings about some good music.

    1. I do agree with you saying that some new rappers want it all handed to them, but Game isn’t really that new.

      Also you say that Game has been baiting Jay since 05…The Documentary? He even says on the album he wasn’t trying to diss Jay, it was just what was in his head at the time.

      Also i honestly don’t think it’s a “no win” situation for Jay, i think it’s a “no win” situation for Game.

      All Jay has to do is ignore the feud with Game and you already know Game’s going to keep talking and Jay is going to continue making better music.

      That is one of the things that Lil Wayne had right when asked about rappers dissing him, he simply responded “these rappers can’t insult me, i don’t listen to their records”

  6. The Game can body Jigga at this point in time. Like you mentioned in your article, he must go all the way in. The Game has a tendency to talk shit from a safe place and i think that’s why he isn’t universally respected. Can’t deny the skills though because he got em

  7. “Shit I could use 28 more million, but i wouldn’t trade spots with you on the motherfuckin Forbes list for that nose and them lips nigga, my nigga Jay and last but not least peace to MIA cause the roc bout to be MIA, no one on the corner got a swagger like you, cause no one on the fuckin corner is 42!” Damn if you don’t think Game can take him your trippin. Just wanna see Jay come back, your right this may very well may be an epic battle. Check Games newest shit “I’m So Wavy” shits funny as fuck. “D.O.A? Nooooo, T-Pain stays old nigga goeees!” Come on Jay!

  8. “Let’s face it, the Game can match bars with Jay”

    …Gotta be the most ridiculous statement I’ve read in a minute. Game isn’t even in Jay’s shadow when it comes to lyrics; he just takes a list of names and then hobbles ’em together in some kind of nonsense gangsta patois (see “My life” for an obvious example). Dude has done some catchy songs but NO WAY can he compete with Jay lyrically. No way.

      1. I admit I might be, but I doubt it. Can you give me some songs to check out that might change my opinion of Game’s lyrical ability?

  9. Game had some nice shots at Jay….not enough. He didn’t say anything new about Jay. What is there left to say about Jay after “Ether?” Not a bad song, but not very effective. Hov doesn’t respond.

    I’ve always thought game was getting at Jay on “Westside Story” with the “throwback/maybach” line that he tried to explain away in his song “The Documentary.” Game has wanted Jay on a record with him since 2005.

  10. @Thomas

    Damn, write a column about it..sheesh!


    Jay better say something or he a HOE cause this man was saying shit about his WIFE.

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